Drop B

Jan 13, 2008
Ok so i have never played in drop B or drop A
I have a Full Bc rich warlock revenge and a epiphone(cheap guitar)
Both with 52's and down for strings.
My freind said i may need new pick ups.
Idk as i said never played in that tune before.
I also dont know what to set the tune for drop A or B.
Can you help?
That said, you don't need new pick ups. As far as I can tell, your friend is a moron. You need heavier strings. Which means you'll need the truss rod adjusted. Don't do this; it's a waste of time.

Actually...what guage strings are you using? I assumed you were using 10's or lighter...10's you can get down to B, not A though...and the strings will be really loose...

Basically, this is a waste of your time. It will be inconvienient and it won't sound good. You'll need to take your guitar store to a music place to get it set up.
10-52 is not thick enough for B, especially not A. I am running 11-56 for D standard. I'd get 13-68 for B or A.

Depending on what pickups you have in the guitar now, you might want to upgrade. Some pickups, such as the DiMarzio D-Sonic and X2N, and EMGs in general are very good at low tunings while others ( especially cheap stock pickups ) can't handle the bass and get muddy. Of course, the sound might be fine. You won't know until you try it out.
10-52 is not thick enough for B, especially not A.

I tuned down to B with 10s in order to record some brutal noise. It was fine, although I didn't leave them like that for too long.
EMGs are a little muddy. There are some Seymour Duncans that are great for metal...although maybe you want a muddy sound.
i just wanted to play around with it.
I can get to b but a is to loose.
It was fun but i like playing in Drop C better.
Thank you all for the help.
I tuned down to B with 10s in order to record some brutal noise. It was fine, although I didn't leave them like that for too long.
EMGs are a little muddy. There are some Seymour Duncans that are great for metal...although maybe you want a muddy sound.

What EMGs have you tried that were muddy? With my experience ( 81 and 89 ) they are very tight, much more so than any passive I've tried ( DiMarzio Blaze, Seymour Duncan JB ).
What EMGs have you tried that were muddy? With my experience ( 81 and 89 ) they are very tight, much more so than any passive I've tried ( DiMarzio Blaze, Seymour Duncan JB ).

I tried a Schecter Hellraiser with I believe an 81 and 89. Not too muddy, but not as tight as I would have liked.

It was fun but i like playing in Drop C better.
Good...maybe in time we can get you back up to drop D.
I still prefer D standard for almost everything. I've been using lower tunings more often recently, but it's still frustrating to use C#, because the tab program that I use won't display sharps in the tuning text and Db is not tr00 enough for me :mad:
I still prefer D standard for almost everything. I've been using lower tunings more often recently, but it's still frustrating to use C#, because the tab program that I use won't display sharps in the tuning text and Db is not tr00 enough for me :mad:

Hell, I usually play standard. D is also cool...but no lower.
What amp were you running? Those Schecters are pretty thick mahogany and even with the relatively thin 81 they can get pretty fat sounding.

it were a line 6, I believe...it was in a store, and I didn't mess with the amp settings to much - just turned up the gain, treble and bass and scooped the mid.
I still prefer D standard for almost everything. I've been using lower tunings more often recently, but it's still frustrating to use C#, because the tab program that I use won't display sharps in the tuning text and Db is not tr00 enough for me :mad:

Man, all my fucking life i´ve played in standard, now i want it D but the fucking guitar won´t let me, i tune 6th string to D, when i tune 4th-3rd, 6th is already a D# or even a Eb. when i tune 2nd to A in 3 minutes its a B already. This shit is busting my balls and I feel I'm missing some step or something like it but I don't know.