Drop C Strings


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
Any of you playing in this tuning? What strings are you using?

Recommend me a guage...I am not the heaviest of players, I do not hit the strings hard enough, my picking is a bit on the soft side therefore my playing can get muddy with too heavy of strings, so need a guage that will compliment a modern rock rhtyhm player in drop c making my tone a bit clearer.
11-50 should be tight enough to play well and sound good, whilst still be llose enough to get a nice snap to them and not be 'woofy'.
I use 10-52, work great, nice and loose enough that you can bite into them and get snap and brightness but won't go out of tune when you get a little carries away.
Damn. I play in drop-C, and I use 56-13's! If you're not wanting them that heavy... lowest I would go with drop-C is 11's. Try the Ernie Ball 'optimal for detuning' sets.
Hmmm. Might give it a go, see if I can notice any different; usually the only difference I can notice with these things is tuning tension at lower tunings.
I have always used/gone back to using D'Addario 12-54 for drop c tuning, sound great and balance out nicely on a floyd rose trem!

I use that tuning, and my favorite strings are Ernie Ball Power Slinky's (.011-.048). I wouldn't go any lighter than that. I used to use the Not Even Slinky's, actually still do on my back up, and they are great too.
I use Ernie Ball 2215 Skinny Top Heavy Bottom 10 - 52 strings.
I tried different sizes, but I always come back to 56-12 for drop C on a 25.5" neck. Thinner than that always sound pretty dull/muddy when playing rhythm stuff for me.

Imo thicker strings+harder picking = better tone, at least for rhythm playing.
I use 13-56 in standard d tuning. before when I tuned to drop c I used the zakk wylde set 60 - 10 but i did never get enough tension. the gauges you guys are using tells me i must have done something wrong :loco: