Dropkick, The Bosstones, Flogging Molly and other Irish punk bands


Active Member
Jan 15, 2008
The Ivory Tower
I love all three of these bands, and pretty much all Irish/Boston-Irish punk bands that I come across. I'm a huge fan of traditional music, and I think the blending of traditional with punk is an awesome musical style. The Mighty Mighty Bosstones throw a bit of ska in the mix. Now, ska isn't my favorite punk style; but their blend of it with a Boston punk sound is awesome, I think. Figured I'd start a thread where others can express their love (or hate) and recommend other bands similar to these. I'd love to hear more music from this genre! I'm already a big fan of The Pogues and The Mahones. :cool:

For those who aren't very familiar with these bands, check out the following songs...

From Dropkick Murphys:
The Dirty Glass
Shipping Up To Boston (might recognize it from The Departed soundtrack)
Rocky Road To Dublin
Loyal To No One
(F)Lannigan's Ball

From Flogging Molly:
What's Left of the Flag
The Kilburn High Road
Rare Ould Times
The Seven Deadly Sins (and the rest of the album Within a Mile of Home)

From The Mighty Mighty Bosstones:
Another Drinking Song
Riot On Broad Street
Numbered Days
Rascal King
I Want My City Back
The Impression That I Get (figured I'd throw it on there, even if most people have already heard it)
I've always wanted to check out more Irish punk. I've only listened to Dropkick Murphys of these three, but I've heard Flogging Molly are good. Any other bands you'd recommend?
Flogging Molly are great, and definitely more Irish-sounding than Dropkick. The Bosstones are good, but have more of a Boston-punk sound (less Irish influences). This genre was really started by The Pogues and The Mahones. Definitely check them out. They're lighter than Dropkick and Flogging Molly (more acoustic guitars and stuff) but still have a very punk sound. If you dig them, a few other good bands (that I've heard some material by) are Black 47 and Blood Or Whiskey.
dude im all about the mighty mighty bosstones although not really punk check out a band called the pogues good shit right there. And in ska case you like it mixed with some punk check a band called the voodoo glow skulls.
dude im all about the mighty mighty bosstones although not really punk check out a band called the pogues good shit right there. And in ska case you like it mixed with some punk check a band called the voodoo glow skulls.

The Pogues are classic Irish folk/punk music. Shane MacGowan was a genius. If anyone's interested in checking them out, definitely give them a try. Try the album Rum, Sodomy, and the Lash.
Flogging Molly are ace. I recall being introduced to them back when I first started University, saw them a few times when I lived back in Glasgow - superb stuff.
stiff little fingers are an older irish punk band but they were very good. not so much with the jigs and such but they were very influential.
Doesn't do anything for me, all these bands sound the same to me.

Saw Flogging Molly live 2 weeks ago on a festival, I can appreciate the mood and atmosphere of the music somehow, but after 2 songs I've heard enough, it all sounds soooo similar, same pace etc.

And flutes should be banned the way they're used in this music style, fucking annoying.
And flutes should be banned the way they're used in this music style, fucking annoying.

They're the fucking highlight of the musical style; but if you don't like it that much, then that's understandable. In my opinion, the flute playing in Irish music is the coolest flute playing in the world.
I disagree. I think there is better flute playing elsewhere. But its all a matter of preference anyway.

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They're the fucking highlight of the musical style; but if you don't like it that much, then that's understandable. In my opinion, the flute playing in Irish music is the coolest flute playing in the world.

I agree...what I love about Irish music is how upbeat it is, and at the same time very agressive.