Thats a strange coincidenceDragonLady1 said:ah I'm not into drugs really... just remember that space cake I had in a coffe shop in Amsterdam, after one hour I started to buy strange things in the shops and laughed at everything, was a funny day there
sure. ask Mick to show you around the shopsDragonLady1 said:btw, would be a nice one to meet up in Amsterdam for a weekend, what u think? hehe
i couldntDragonLady1 said:and who will keep us from buying strange stuff then?
The original version of Expire (The Summer Effect) was kind of linked to a binge, but my cheese filter doesnt allow me to write certain stuff.toolsofthetrade said:any songs about drugs u've written Dunc?
Tell me howtoolsofthetrade said:pills are me fave tho. makes u feel happy and all confident, but i'd rather have that the natural way - which is actually possible like