Drug testing in America

Oct 16, 2010
What's the deal with it?

Can any employee demand that you take one?

I don't know if it's common practice outside of the US but certainly in the UK it is unheard of and I imagine most of Europe.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing as such, in a way of course it's kinda good if it were, say, a bus driver... but who cares if the MacDonald's employee got high the night before?

It does seem like a slight violation to me, but yeah, I'm just wondering if they really are very commonplace? It seems you guys never shook off the whole "weed is really bad for you" thing from the 60s. It does make you a bit of a dopey twat, but being hungover is way worse.

If you are not directly high whilst doing your job, or heavily affected from it and can carry out your job perfectly well, whose business is it what you did on the weekend?
I've got a few questions about American drug policies as well...

I heard that in some situations they take hair samples to see if you've used any drugs within the last 7 years, and if they find anything you won't be able to get employed. Is this true and if yes, how often do they apply these practices and for which kind of jobs?

I also heard that they're planning on getting unemployed people drug-tested as well. True or not? If yes, what's the fucking point? I think that must be the absolute worst possible way to deal with unemployment.
Yes if an employee demands a drug test then you have to take it, if you refuse, they just deny your application. By law they can do that. Because most hardcore drugs aren't detectable in your blood for over 4 days, they only thing are looking for in the test is the enzyme that your body only creates to break down THC (they don't look for actual THC becuase it is out of your body within hours after sobering from the high). So basically if you smoke weed, then don't expect to ever get a job. If you are a smoker, you have to stop long enough until you find a job, but even then, they can randomly screen you when you file for an injury, and they usually do at least in California.

In terms of hair samples, its expensive and only high risk/security jobs do shit like that. And unless your hair is about a meter (little more than 3 feet) in length, there is no way they can go back 7 years.
Yes if an employee demands a drug test then you have to take it, if you refuse, they just deny your application. By law they can do that. Because most hardcore drugs aren't detectable in your blood for over 4 days, they only thing are looking for in the test is the enzyme that your body only creates to break down THC (they don't look for actual THC becuase it is out of your body within hours after sobering from the high). So basically if you smoke weed, then don't expect to ever get a job. If you are a smoker, you have to stop long enough until you find a job, but even then, they can randomly screen you when you file for an injury, and they usually do at least in California.

In terms of hair samples, its expensive and only high risk/security jobs do shit like that. And unless your hair is about a meter (little more than 3 feet) in length, there is no way they can go back 7 years.

Wow that really sucks.

Is it like that in every State? I thought you West coasters were more liberal to be honest.

It really can't help employment figures, not that stoners are the most motivated of people anyway. lol.
yeah we are supposed to be more liberal, hell we voted all he republicans out of the state (the only state in the country to not swing towards republicans) for extreme liberals but still voted no for legalizing marijuana. California is the most fucked up ass backwards state, its people being the greatest oxymoron of all time. Just as backwards as Texas, but on the other side of backwards.

In terms of employment figures, the screens simple help employers to narrow down candidates because right now and its bad here, but everyone needs a job and everyone is trying every field they qualify for so employers are being flooded with more people they know what to do with, so the screening makes it easier for them to bring the numbers down to a more manageable size.
If I were a business owner, I would most certainly require a drug tests for all applicants. I would also conduct random tests as well, after the applicant had been hired.


Seems fairly bizarre to me.
I can't understand having it as a procedure?
As a reaction to an employee's behavior maybe, but still....

Seems fairly bizarre to me.
I can't understand having it as a procedure?
As a reaction to an employee's behavior maybe, but still....

I feel the same, I wouldn't worry about testing, but I would do random drug test if an employee seems under the influence of marijuana or alcohol, which is just reasonable because companies can get in trouble if they have intoxicated employees on the job. Other than that I don't care if they are all out junkies (although hardcore junkies wouldn't perform well period but you get my point), if they aren't doing it at work, and it doesn't effect their work, I couldn't care less what they do with their private lives.
Yes, I really would. Why is that so suprising to you guys?

If I am a business owner, whereas my business is the sole source of my income (i.e. livelihood, how I feed my family, pay my bills, etc), then why would I not protect the investment I've made in my business? Why would I want to hire an employee without knowing that 1.) they were capable of doing the job I hired them for and 2.) there were no other circumstances (i.e. drug use) that would hinder that potential employee from performing the tasks that I have set out for them?

Seems pretty logical to me.
I think you guys are under or giving a wrong impression. I've probably had 20 employers in my life and only one has required a drug test. It was only once at the initial hiring and it was for a job waiting tables at a resort while I was in college.
This is only my impression (I haven't read this or seen numbers) but drug testing is most often used for blue colors jobs in corporate or government environments. Sometimes the Unions, and not the actual employers require tests which is another thing entirely.
Anyway, there are plenty of employers who don't test. If you need a job so badly that you can't find an appropriate employer/position then you probably shouldn't be spending your money on recreational drugs anyway.
That's why i was shocked, because afaik the US has a higher level of weed usage than over here
If everyone was being tested then surely there would be a ridiculous number of unemployed
What I do in my "off time" shouldnt have any bearing on what I do for a job. As long as the person isnt doing "drugs" on the clock, there shouldnt be a problem.
What about the people who get shitfaced drunk every day? OH thats ok because its legal. Well why dont employers test people to see if those same people drive drunk sometimes, or beat their wives when they get home? God forbid someone smoke some weed and sit at home playing video games or something. America would rather have people driving drunk. You think everyone walks to bars? fuck no.
Why dont employers test to see if the people are murderers, or pedophiles, or rapists, or just bad people???? Polygraphs for everyone! yay!
I mean, you dont want potheads working for you, but the others arent so bad huh? Yeah, I know some do background checks, but that only helps if the person was caught before.

My point is, what I do in my own time shouldnt effect anything else. No one is being hurt by someone smoking weed. I think its only fair that if employers dont want potheads working, they should also not allow people who drink alcohol to get the job either. But NOOOOOOOOOOO we cant have that, because drinking and getting all fucked up and banging chicks and crashing cars is the way of life. Its fuckin bullshit!!!

If it became manditory that people who drink cant get jobs, youd see a huge uproar and that law would be overturned in a heartbeat. Apparently im not able to work in this country because alcohol isnt my drug of choice. They would rather me piss on myself, get stds, beat someones wife, puke on someone and crash cars than sit at home smoking pot bothering no one. Does that make any sense?
I think you guys are under or giving a wrong impression. I've probably had 20 employers in my life and only one has required a drug test. It was only once at the initial hiring and it was for a job waiting tables at a resort while I was in college.
This is only my impression (I haven't read this or seen numbers) but drug testing is most often used for blue colors jobs in corporate or government environments. Sometimes the Unions, and not the actual employers require tests which is another thing entirely.
Anyway, there are plenty of employers who don't test. If you need a job so badly that you can't find an appropriate employer/position then you probably shouldn't be spending your money on recreational drugs anyway.

may be that way where you are at. At least here 99% of employers practice their right to drug test. Jobs that are aimed for 16-18 year olds doing things such as working amusement parks, a cashier at a clothing store, or a fast food worker, you will be taking a drug test. The only time you don't run into a drug test is when a company is in such a hurry to get people hired (as in that day or the next day) will just hire you and the principle that you consent to a drug test if you are injured on the job), which when you consent, if you refuse, they can fire you right then and there.

That's why i was shocked, because afaik the US has a higher level of weed usage than over here
If everyone was being tested then surely there would be a ridiculous number of unemployed

If more people smoked weed, there would become a point where companies would have to throw in the towel with the drug testing because they need employees. If everyone smoked it, jobs are still needed and if employers want business to continue, they would have to change their ways.