Drum Check


New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2006
Center of Canada
Here's a drum track from a song called Dichotomy by a Canadian metal band named XPLICIT.

I didn't do the tracking, the track was originally recorded BY THE DRUMMER, Mark Fraser, in his basement into a boss 1600 (porty-potty) Daw
with apex and sm57's. The recording was bad but he thought the feel was right for this song.

I've been tasked to clean the tracks up and make them usable for the song on the band's upcoming EP.
I've got some new tricks and toys I threw at the recording for cleaning them up. But I've had to work on these drums for so long that I've lost my objectivity on them!

The toms are the best that they can be naturally (for now) without adding samples. There was zero separation. He's a good drummer and wanted everything as "natural" as possible without resorting to samples - Hey I get paid either way! There's no samples at all in the recording so far but I think he's gonna have to give in on the toms.

Give'er a listen, my ears are dead for now and your feedback, comments or critiques would be greatly appreciated !

Dichotomy Drum Test

To my ears, the snare sounds a bit weak, it's got no punch to it and feels really small (is there any in the overheads?). The bass drum gets a bit boomy on the faster double pedal part too, and it's a bit loud. The cymbals could maybe come up a touch too, though that's more a taste thing on my part.

It's pretty good overall though, especially if the drummer did the original recording :p The playing's tight as hell too - did you chop the tracks about at all?

Thanks SAA.
I should add this was also originally 44.1/16 worked on in 24 - 32/64bit and dumped out quickly for this mp3 with no dither.
Some of this will be adjusted in the complete mix itself. I have to consider all the frequencies and where everything in their recording is going to sit and some will also be affected by mastering. I don't have the rest of the instrument and vocal tracks for the song yet so I was just guesstimating from the samples I did hear.
There is no chopping of the track or replacements at all in this.
According to th drummer that was his complete take for the song. The source tracks seem to agree with that. Everything was leaked everywhere!
But I'd say he definitely ranks in the top percentage of the finest drummers I've known - That's one of the main reasons I even took on the tedious job of cleaning that badly done home tracking for him!

mpm said:
There is no chopping of the track or replacements at all in this.
According to th drummer that was his complete take for the song.

Bah, the flashy git :mad: Haha!

Yeah, obviously you have to take into what it will sound like with everything else. I haven't done enough recording to think that far ahead, so I don't take it into account when I listen to individual instruments.

Steve and anyone else who might be interested, here's the Original dry recording. (it was multitracked with that porty-daw, this is the direct sum of those tracks before any work).

Update to the other mix I posted: with ear rest and some more work and filtering I've been able to get better toms.
I'll print an updated mp3 with that for review tomorrow.
