Drum editing Needed

Contra Studio

Jul 13, 2011
Hell Paso
Hey guys I'm looking to get some editing done on two jams, they are in need of work, it has blast, grinds, and gravity bombs. So if you think you can MSG me with a quote and some of your work back round please!
Just because I'm booked doesn't mean I can't complain about someone devaluing work for the rest of us!

I've got a lot of experience, and not a lot on at the minute. I work pretty fast, although the grids make me feel somewhat blind after a while

And I don't have a lot of experience with drum editing? :lol:

$25 a track is ridiculously, stupidly cheap - if you want to do it for that rate and rob yourself then go ahead, but I'd like to continue to make a living off of my work if that's alright with you. If you've got a lot of experience then you'll know that material with a ton of blast beats (and I've edited tracks for the person in question before; I know pretty much exactly what to expect as far as how they're tracked and how much work they'll need). You're asking for minimum wage, more or less.
It was only a quote for a start. And I know that I could have quoted a lot higher. Not hearing the material, it's only a quote.

And this has always been my issue with this forum. I say my price and somebody jumps in and says "I'll mix your album for $20 a track" or something ridiculous. I'd rather have some work on my quiet days than be sat doing nothing.

And that's impressive that you've done so much drum editing. I've done a lot but you've obviously done a lot more.
Editing is a horrible job and should always be well paid IMO. or at least better paid than working at McDonald's.

Since every editing job iv'e done rounded up to approx. 1 hour of work per 1 minute of a song, I usually charge 15€/minute playing time (rounded down. so a 5:43 minute song would count as 5 minutes = 75€)
You're welcome to calculate the total playing time and hit me up if you're interested.
Just because I'm booked doesn't mean I can't complain about someone devaluing work for the rest of us!

And I don't have a lot of experience with drum editing? :lol:

$25 a track is ridiculously, stupidly cheap - if you want to do it for that rate and rob yourself then go ahead, but I'd like to continue to make a living off of my work if that's alright with you. If you've got a lot of experience then you'll know that material with a ton of blast beats (and I've edited tracks for the person in question before; I know pretty much exactly what to expect as far as how they're tracked and how much work they'll need). You're asking for minimum wage, more or less.


Well said.
Editing is a horrible job and should always be well paid IMO. or at least better paid than working at McDonald's.

Since every editing job iv'e done rounded up to approx. 1 hour of work per 1 minute of a song, I usually charge 15€/minute playing time (rounded down. so a 5:43 minute song would count as 5 minutes = 75€)
You're welcome to calculate the total playing time and hit me up if you're interested.

For all instruments, or drums only?
drums only

edit: editing bass and vocals as well won't be much more expansive as they do not require anywhere near the amount of work drums do.
I was being sarcastic man, I'm willing to bet I've edited more drums than 99% of this forum. I've done every Joey Sturgis release (among others) for the last 3 years.

thats a lot of EASY work :lol:

just bustin balls man ... everyone knows you're the guy to go to for drum edits when I'm not available ;) hahaha