Drum Gizmo Thoughts?


New Metal Member
Jul 24, 2014

I am new to the forum, which I have looked at forever (and learned a lot from), and was wondering if anyone had good results using the Drum Gizmo software for their projects... I have heard some good things about the program, but wanted to know how it compared to Toontrack, Steven Slate, etc.? Anyone with more experience welcome:)
I just released an album using the DrumGizmo plugin with the MuldjordKit. I should probably also note that I help develop the plugin and recorded and created the MuldjordKit itself. You can check out how DrumGizmo can sound by visiting http://www.muldjord.com and clicking the player at the bottom. All the drums you hear in that player is DrumGizmo drums.

I might be a bit biased obviously, but I really enjoy working with DrumGizmo over some of the commercial solutions (I've tried a lot of them). I'm not saying it is better, but it has exactly the functionality I want and provides the same quality output (imo). I like that DrumGizmo forces you to do all of the mixing in the DAW itself, instead of having it all inside the plugin. The plugin provides the channels and the sounds. Everything else is done in DAW with all of the plugins you like.
Hey Muldjord! Thanks for the reply! The Color of My Soul sounds great:kickass: I am going to download your album and Drum Gizmo once I get home today. I do like that the mixing is all within the daw like you said. If it feels like mixing an actual kit on all of the tracks, then I will feel at home:)
Thanks man. If you create some interesting stuff with DrumGizmo, please hook us up with it, we'd love to showcase some stuff that people create. If you have any trouble, let me know!
You bet man! Thank you very much! I am LOVING the Muldjord kit:worship: I like this setup much more than EZDrummer. It feels much more like an actual tracking session. Now for some loooonngg hours writing and editing midi haha! Hopefully I can channel a little Ken Owen and Pete Sandoval;)
The plugin provides the channels and the sounds. Everything else is done in DAW with all of the plugins you like.

I like this concept, looking forward to hearing some raw examples once the 64 version is out.

Cool music muldjord!
I like this concept, looking forward to hearing some raw examples once the 64 version is out.

Cool music muldjord!

Thanks! Yeah, back in the day, when the first software multichannel drum samplers was released, it was all done in DAW. Then, along the way, they became extremely bloated and pretty much is a full VST host in themselves. This was not a clever move in my opinion.

The 64bit version is actually done, we just need to get the release sorted. Stay tuned!
I love the idea of being able to create my own fully multi sampled drum kits. Do you have any plans on releasing Drum Gizmo for OSX? I have to agree that I also prefer software instruments which are kept simple and focused on great sound quality and ease of use.

Do you have any clips of Drum Gizmo kits only? While the drums in your album sound great I would like to hear how natural/realistic they sound on their own.
I love the idea of being able to create my own fully multi sampled drum kits. Do you have any plans on releasing Drum Gizmo for OSX? I have to agree that I also prefer software instruments which are kept simple and focused on great sound quality and ease of use.

Do you have any clips of Drum Gizmo kits only? While the drums in your album sound great I would like to hear how natural/realistic they sound on their own.

We have plans for a Mac release, but no eta. The biggest obstacle being getting the entire build system up and running on a Mac. None of us are Mac users, so we need someone from the outside to provide the expertise (we have a guy, just not enough time at the moment).

We don't have any raw drum kit demos at the moment, but it is definitely something we want to integrate into the drum kit download section at some point.