drum mix question..

Jun 2, 2005
im mixing a band right now.. im having quite some problems with the snare so far.. you see, the problem is, there is a lot of bleeding into the snare top mic.. a lot..

Now i started out with DFHS, and never mixed a real kit before.. so im going to have go ahead and say that it's normal.. (<---office space anyone? :p )

now, i have drumagog, and once i put a sample on it, all the bleeding is gone.. no hihat, cymbals and kicks bleeding through, but that's if i put that sample up around 90%.. and the rest is pretty quiet then..

However, i talked to the drummer, and he prefers the natural sound on his snare.. meaning i will have to work with the original snare sound.. and put the sample in for about 20% or so..

How do i get rid of the bleed into the top mic of the snare? gates? what settings?

thanks for the help in advance!!
Well, you have a lot of ways. ;)

You can let the snare mic bleed. If everythink else is ok, it can be ok, or even can sound good. Of course with the right compression and specialy eq. You can even pan it a little bit if it messes your hat sound.

This is what i have done in the last record, of course in many situations it's not best. And actualy i did it so, because, there was no way to gate a mic, where the snare tremolos sound is weaker than the hat bleed. :goggly: