drum quantization problem (blastbeats)


Jan 31, 2008
Hai guise, how do blastbeats?

Ok :) I have a question about quantizing. I quantize multitrack recorded drums in cubase. I have a blatbeat with snare and kick playing at the same time (16th). They are both a little out of time so i want to quantize them both - and there i encounter a problem :). When i quantize kick track with overheads track everything is okay, but after that when i want to quantize snare+oh`s - snare is getting quantized but at the same time some kick hits in oh track go out of time. And other way arounf - if i quantize snare first, then when quantizing kick - snare hits go out of time in oh tracks:/

so, is there any way to quantize both kick and snare playing the same time? (without getting weird shit in oh tracks?)

In fact kick isnt very audible in oh tracks, so i can get away with some HP , however i`d like to know how to do it correctly

Hope you get what i mean
quantize the snare + OH's together and quantize the kicks separately, then roll off the lows in your OH's to minimize the spill of the original (unquantized) kick.
yes, I know, just asking how to do it properly :)

Other than tracking someone who hits the kick and snare in perfect unison (which probably would mean they wouldnt need quantizing elsewhere), quantizing snare+overheads then kick by itself is the proper way to do it.
yup you should quantize the oh with the snare as the key track then do the kick independently. Its a good idea to build a tunnel to isolate the kick as much as possible from the oh during tracking, you will still need to hi pass the oh to remove the lows of the kick but it should help minimize all the attack from the kick getting in your oh
Yup, with the above mentioned technique, the kick becomes VERY isolated from the rest of the kit.... especially if you are blending in a sample for the kick. In that case, it's almost as if you've got a 100% isolated kick track which you can fuck around with as you please. The bleed from the OH will NOT be heard through a high pass and a sample blending :) Throw in the rest of the instruments in the mix and voila...
ok, that`s how i thought, i didn`t seem logically possible to quantize them both
I personally love to use beat detective in Pro Tools for drum quantizing. it will quantize together the overheads, kick, and snare even if they are not played at the same time. The way it does this, is by using the kick as the main reference to quantize the overheads to, then chopping off the snare attack in respect to where each quantized kick starts. Give it a try. if you need 100 percent of the attack, then try finding a snare thats alone, or mabe you have samples from the session, and replacing them, or replacing just the attack and crossfading. Just an idea...

I would say the best way to do it would be to trigger the snare, because then you dont need to worry about cutting off the attack!

good luck! hope this helped,
