drum samples as promised

Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
nah you need to do it anologue man, bust out the razorblade and tape :)

Even better, create your own Goggotron!

(that would be one bloody fast mellotron that could do doublebass'stuff!)
i imported the wav into Nuendo. grabbed the first kick exported it (as a wav ). and when i import it into drumagog again, it sounds completely different then the original one. . . im getting confused :D
Mendel said:
i imported the wav into Nuendo. grabbed the first kick exported it (as a wav ). and when i import it into drumagog again, it sounds completely different then the original one. . . im getting confused :D

Yeah well, that's the whole idea behind drumagog dude.

Or do you mean that the .wav of Andy suddenly sounds like Something Completely Different?

Maybe if you try to discribe that difference we could help. Like 'way too high' or 'a bit grainy on the HFside' or 'some sort of warningsound WinXP makes sometimes'.
You know, stuff like that.
'Completely Different' is like a few options too many to pinpoint the exact problem right now.
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
"Tuning a melotron doesn't" :tickled:

First I thought this to be an Agnes Nutter prediction, then I realized Shadwell's only a witchfinder sergeant..

My mistake..

"Crowley had been extremely impressed with the warranties offered by the computer industry, and had in fact sent a bundle Below to the department that drew up the Immortal Soul agreements, with a yellow memo form attached just saying: "Learn, guys."

-- Crowley is a demon, in case you don't know (Terry Pratchett & Neil Gaiman, Good Omens)"
Andy Sneap said:
someone chop the kicks up for mendel please....

If someone hasn't done it by tomorrow I'll do it (and 16bitize them, just in some sort of case).
If you don't have a .wav editor, just open the file in any application like for instance Windows Media Player. Hit "play" and wait for the kick that you like out of the four samples that Andy provided. Right when you hear the kick press the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard (that's the button to the right of F12). This is difficult so it may take a couple tries. Now open Photoshop and hit ctrl+n and open a new file. Paste the .wav file into photoshop and crop accordingly. Save it as a .wav file and boom you're done. I haven't tried it yet, but I got that from the Kelly Gray forum.
Here's the kicks spliced up in both 24 + 16 bit


It's a .zip file. Not sure how zip files work but I chose 'no compression' anyway.

Edit: I put the just a few of the kicks into my soundfont just to test. (I use a soundblaster routed to my dsp2000 c-port ins.. still). Made a 16th triplets beat and riff....


To randomize I set different kicks on velocitys 100,101,102,103,104.. then set midi to 'randomize' between those values. Problem that occurs is it still changes the volume a touch... I think. But in this case I put of the quieter kicks in so that adds to the uneven-ness. It's just a quick play around anyway.
Im just adding that I've just now realized I've been on UM longer than like, all of you...

Im old skool

Degenerate said:
Here's the kicks spliced up in both 24 + 16 bit


It's a .zip file. Not sure how zip files work but I chose 'no compression' anyway.

Edit: I put the just a few of the kicks into my soundfont just to test. (I use a soundblaster routed to my dsp2000 c-port ins.. still). Made a 16th triplets beat and riff....


To randomize I set different kicks on velocitys 100,101,102,103,104.. then set midi to 'randomize' between those values. Problem that occurs is it still changes the volume a touch... I think. But in this case I put of the quieter kicks in so that adds to the uneven-ness. It's just a quick play around anyway.

hey dude i want to thank you so much !! im at school now. but when im home let's see if it works :D !!. btw, does someone have latency problems with drumagog ? just wondering, not les, not more.

thx again !!!!!!

cheers everyone !
Mendel said:
hey dude i want to thank you so much !! im at school now. but when im home let's see if it works :D !!. btw, does someone have latency problems with drumagog ? just wondering, not les, not more.

thx again !!!!!!

cheers everyone !

yea there latency. depending on what daw you have it will be different. ive used it in pt and logic pro 7 and both have the issue. in pt you will have to snip away the latency from the track itself, this is easy because drumagog actually tells you how much latency you have, for me its usually 50 ms. i then snip away 50 ms from the track and it then sounds right on. not sure about logic though yet. i do know that with some programs like cubase and nuendo that the latency is is automatically compensated for. im not an expert on the subject by any means but i figured id answer the question because i spent the last 12 hours drumagoging a song for a band im mixing. its a 12 minute song... 1 hour per minute i guess.