Drum Thread For WeekendWarrior


Sep 19, 2002
Gautier, Mississippi (U.S.A.)
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Well here's the thread WW wanted, so here is a bit of my playing history and kit info.

I stated playing drums at 18 years old.
My playing style was heavily influenced by Classic Rock Bands and "old school" Heavy Metal (which of course, was the current Metal style at the time.)

I started on a skyblue beginner's trap set made by an off brand company called Igniter Percussion. The drumkit did not survive my heavy playing style.

After I learned as much as I could, I moved onto a better quality kit made for touring by Kaman Percussion. A beautiful, black kit called CB Percusson.

I played it for 10-11 years and then, a few years ago the parts started to break on it. (mostly the lugs from tightining the tension very tight.)

I've learned double bass techniques about 2 years ago, and still am mastering it.

As of 2 years ago as well, my cousin (that plays in my band) gave me his drumkit to use and I now have his Slingerland drums incorperated with my CB bass drum and Gibraltar hardware. (The throne and pedal.)

I use only Remo Clear Black-Dot heads and Zildjian Cymbals.It's a 7 piece kit but I have other toms that I can add if I wish.

So that's about it. As time and money permits, I hope to move on to a newer kit, possibly Gretsch, Ludwig, or Sonor.

But then again, I may just replace the parts to my old kit because it totally kicked ass and had a nice, warm, yet thundering tone made expressly for Metal music.(Mahogany Wood.):D
wow, a thread just for me? this is big :D
You are a much more experienced drummer than I am. I've been playing drums for like 3 years now. I bought a completely new drumset (Tama Swingstar) some months ago, and I also got new exlusive double pedals.


I'm going to buy "DW 5000 Turbo Accelerators" later on :)
I will also get doublebassdrums later..

my drumsetup for the moment (always changes, heh):
Bass Drum 24"x18"
Snare 14 x 6 1/2
I got four toms:
TOM 10"
TOM 12"
TOM 14"
TOM 16"

Cymbals and Hi hat (Zildjan) :
14" Hi-Hat
two 17" Zildjan Power crash
20" K-Zildjan Custom Ride
16" Custom Rock Crash
20" K-Zildjan Custom Ride
18" China :D

Snare skin: Ludwig Rockers clear silver dot (very satisfied with that :))
Rest of the drums: Regular Remo heads

Vic Firth

the drumset is still under construction :D
about doublebass techniques: I'm not very good at double bass yet..can you tell me alittle about your techniques?

NP: Dream Theater - Pull me Under :headbang:
Well, every technique is different. The one I'm having most problems with is the double bass version of a blast beat, which is truthfully no more than an old fashioned polka-beat but really sped-up. The beat hat would, in fact, fit "Far Away" by Steve and the guys.

There are gallops, which are difficult to master because they most all have a slight pause in them between th bass and snare hits.

Roll with your feet, in a left right left right pattern then hit your snare, then left right left right (pause) then repeat. Iced Earth has used this beat on a few songs.

Then there are the straight double bass licks that Stratovarius, Hammerfall and alot of others use. This is just about more endurance than technique(but technique helps) but you may want to throw in a drum fill somewhere. That's where your technique comes in because you have to land it and keep the timing and so on.

My advice, is put on a cd of your favorite album, get behind your drums and listen to the masters. Best way to learn.

That's how I learned, as I am self-taught.
Check out what other drummers are doing to learn differnt techniques.

I hope this helps my brother from Norway. :)
I am self-taught as well bro! :D
thanks for the great tips ATHALLUS!

Btw, who is your favorite drummer?
Mine is the one and only Felix Bohnke! (you did probably know that :)) He has some uniqe techniques. Listen to the album Theater of Salavation..you will be impressed :)
Mike Portnoy is a great drummer too..

NP: Edguy - The headless game :headbang:
Not that I'm aware of.
He's been i Blind Guardian since they formed. They all have. If he is out of the band it's their loss, but if it is only temporary due to an injury or something, then that may be the case. I don't know. I haven't hard anything about him being out of the band.
Thanks for the thread WW & Hi Athallus. :wave:

Allow me to introduce my self as another Drummer. Been playing about 9 years or so. I had drum lessons at the kick of for which I am very grateful, I can’t imagine being self taught (well done guys).

I have a Tama 5 piece kit with Sabian cymbals (2 crash, 1 splash, 1 chinese, 1 ride, pedal Hi hat & permanently closed Hi Hat) with double bass pedal.

I don’t have any favorite drummer I just like to listen to what they all do and how they vary.

My biggest difficulty is actually my memory, I can’t remember the score to some songs so I use drum music and write it all down.
Heard of Edguy, Andi? Felix Bohnke, which is the drummer in the band, is my favorite drummer. He is just awesome! Love his style of drumming..heh.
Thomas Stauch in Blind Guardian is also a amazing drummer..isn't that right Athallus? :) He's probably one of the best drummers out there..

NP: Luca Turilli - Rider of Astral Fire :headbang: :headbang:
No, I have actually never seen them live.. they've been to norway a couple of times though. I'm going to see them live next time they tour in scandinavia. That's for sure! I'm pretty sure they rule live, hehe, and I wont miss their tour in scandinavia.

NP: Threshold - Light and Space
Greetings Andi.
Hello fellow drummer!!

It is an honor and a pleasure to meet you.
Sounds like you have a pretty good playing set-up there.

Being self-taught isn't actually all that hard. (At least in my opinion. I just put on my favorite Classic Rock and Metal albums, then got the feel of the songs, the drummers, then, emulated what I heard by playing along.)

I've been told I got good in a hurry, but I've heard drummers that blow me away, so I've never gotten "the big-head" that so many drummers (around here at least,) seem to suffer from.I've tried to remain humble as I can possibly be, and there-in lies the key to knowledge and growth.

I've made my philsophy "There's always someone better." That way, I can try to push myself to be ever-better.

Anyway, I'm just rambling on and on. It's nice to meet you, and welcome to the forum!!!!:D
Oh yeah, I almost forgot,
I, too have problems remembering parts of songs, so here's a tip I hope helps:

I break-down the song I am playing into "chunks" or sections if you like.

I do it while I'm playing, and it helps me greatly. This is how I do it:

Intro (if applicable)



Verse (or solo)




Outro (if applicable)

I hope that helps Andi, or WW if you needed it. :)

Later, and Rock On!!!!!!!!