drumagog nightmare


Mar 22, 2006
anyone else find that drumagog despite its greatness has a seriously annoying habit of putting 99% of samples out with the trigger track and original snare, so when you try and blend the snare it flams all over the place. and you have to spend hours and hours aligning them by hand.

anyone got any tips on how to counter act this or any quicker ways of lineing the samples up?
ive got a whole albums worth to doo_O :puke:
Are you talking about blending two seperate tracks, or blending from within Drumagog? I've notice the rendered tracks is always off by a few milliseconds - but it's really not hard to shift them back over.
blending the rendered wav with the original snare in tools. the thing is its not off by a constant amount, every hit is out by a different ammount
No problems here. If I try to make a track to use with my orginal then I look at the advancded tab to see what the latency is and move it back by that much. But most of the time I just blend the two signals from with-in drumagog.
no idea really this is the way i used to do it before i started on tools!! and the way my boss showed me, so i just did it that way.
ill try the sneap technique!!

cheers andy
i could understand it being behind by a few milliseconds, but they're all off by different amounts? Sounds like an issue with your PC, usually the culprit is the RAM, but try bussing like Sneapums said and see if that helps at all. I don't see why it should, but with computers you never fuckin know
greyskull said:
blending the rendered wav with the original snare in tools. the thing is its not off by a constant amount, every hit is out by a different ammount

whoa. i'm glad i'm not the only one here struggling with this problem... eventhough it's supposed to be really accurate, i'm still struggling a bit. can't seem to find settings that would give "perfect" results. And the thing that is bugging me the most is that I used to have a really old version of drumagog in my other computer (Logic & drumagog version 1.3 or something...) and I think it was much more accurate. Now i'm using pro tools and the latest 4.07b version and every hit is out by a different amount... i'm mean very little, but still noticable. I'm printing to another track and then aligning the hits...

Also, I noticed that if the drummer hits the snare with a constant velocity, Dgog does a better job, but when the hits are not constant ,it doesn't work so well anymore... I guess with softer hits the transients are not that clear then...

Can you guys give any advice (settings) how to get best results?
OK so if I'm getting this right.......... just buss the track with drumagog on it to a new track, and put input of new track as that buss from track with drumagog, and arm new track to record and let it record???

make sense???
just tried the sneap way and it was perfect first time!!!

i also changed to simple triggering mode which seemed to somehow make the triggering more accurate than adavnced....
greyskull said:
just tried the sneap way and it was perfect first time!!!

i also changed to simple triggering mode which seemed to somehow make the triggering more accurate than adavnced....
Maybe the simple trigging is more effective because it uses less RAM/CPU power? I don't actually know if it does, I'm just throwing it out there
Anthoer things to take in to consideration is quality of source. If you have a light hitting drumming with a ringing snare and a not so direct mic technique then drumagog is going to have a ruff time grabing those peaks.
greyskull said:
just tried the sneap way and it was perfect first time!!!

I beg to differ that routing it to the buss and recording back on track had anything to do with fixing the orignal problem. It just made things a litte bit easier to do. If anything fixed it in this equation it was the triggering method that you had switched.