drumagog off of midi


Oct 24, 2007
im going to my friends studio to record a few songs and he doesn't have S2.0 on his setup so i just want to trigger drumagog with my slate samples with midi, and then im recording real overheads.

so i inserted drumagog on a track, turned midi on, tried programming some shit, no go :\

there must be something else i'm not doing,

any suggestions?
I've found that for some reason Drumagog has always read the incorrect note. Happened to me on older and newer versions and using Audition and Reaper. If it's set to something like C3, I have to program C2 to get it to do anything. So try programming an octave down or the other C's. I'm curious as to why I've had this issue.
I've found that for some reason Drumagog has always read the incorrect note. Happened to me on older and newer versions and using Audition and Reaper. If it's set to something like C3, I have to program C2 to get it to do anything. So try programming an octave down or the other C's. I'm curious as to why I've had this issue.

i just tried still nothing.

do you have in on midi in or out, and do you have it on a virtual instrument track or just a regular audio track?
Have it on MIDI in. Set up a blank audio track with drumagog on it, then put your midi's output to drumagog. It confused me the first time I did it too, I thought you could just load drumagog as an insert on the MIDI channel but it doesn't work that way unfortunately.
i just tried still nothing.

do you have in on midi in or out, and do you have it on a virtual instrument track or just a regular audio track?

Midi in, I use it in Reaper, so it's on a normal track. What DAW do you use? I really haven't had much luck getting it to trigger properly from midi very well, but I've at least been able to get it to do something, which it seems you're not even having that much luck.
I had the same problem and it doesn't read the right note. So I dropped from c2 to c1 on drumagog and it worked.
Yeah i've had problems with this too! I use reaper and can never get drumagog's midi in to work :\
I just use the SuperDrumFX plugin to sample for now
it's free haha and it works pretty good...
Wait. Are you trying to use Drumagog's MIDI In or Out? They are entirely different, and I think the 2 may be getting confused. Based on your original post, it sounds like you're trying to use Drumagog's MIDI Output (not the Input, as some of the other posts have suggested).

Drumagog's MIDI Out is for when you want to turn an Audio Track into MIDI (i.e. to play with Kontakt, Superior Drummers, etc). Drumagog's MIDI In is when you want to use Drumagog like a virtual synth, and your source track is MIDI.

The problem with MIDI note mapping, is that there are 2 different standards. Drumagog uses the same standard as found in Cubase, but it is different than, say the one used by Cakewalk. What 1 program calls C3, another program may call it C1.

Do you have it set up far enough that you can record Drumagog's MIDI Output to a MIDI track? You should be able to record-enable the MIDI track that Drumagog is sending to, and record that as MIDI. If you try that and don't get anything, then the routing is incorrect.

Depending on your DAW, you may need to use a MIDI router (like MIDI Pipe or MIDI Yoke) to route the MIDI signal from Drumagog back into your audio program. You can find details and instructions on this in the Drumagog 4 manual and at our old website:

This is one of the main reasons we added Plugin Hosting to Drumagog 5, since you simply host the VST instrument directly in Drumagog no matter what host DAW you are using. Cuts out extra latency and these extra steps.
If that's the case, then Mattayus explained it pretty well earlier:

"Have it on MIDI in. Set up a blank audio track with drumagog on it, then put your midi's output to drumagog."
I've found that for some reason Drumagog has always read the incorrect note. Happened to me on older and newer versions and using Audition and Reaper. If it's set to something like C3, I have to program C2 to get it to do anything. So try programming an octave down or the other C's. I'm curious as to why I've had this issue.

The same thing happens to me.