Drumkit from hell EZX in a couple of weeks

I guess we're talking about different things...

I know what ghost notes are, what talking about can be found in the Groove Library filed under

EZD Libraries / EZD Pop/Rock
4/4 Straight 50-140 BPM / Fills
Fills Straight / 2/4 Fills 2
2 Beat Variations / Snare Buzz In

It's more or less a roll on the snare which I guess no real drummer would play with one hand. Check it out and you'll know what I mean.
Been following this thread for awhile. And guys, I can't publicize any samples, but I can say this......... the DFH EZX .... coming from a Metal head............ IS THE Mother of ALL things Metal Drum Programming will be!!! The grooves/ Midi files alone are worth it's price!!!! Yeah, yeah ToonTrack is my Family, trust me guys:kickass: The DFH EZX pack is AWESOME!!!! I've made KILLER drum tracks... quicker then it takes to turn on and hook up my guitar and mic / mic pre's... start my D.A.W.!!!:rock:

It's going to make a lot of non-programmers very.....very......very happy! From Meshuggahish beats all the way to straight out blasting.... it's there!!