Drummers Thread

it wasn't his own band? crap! :lol:
well either way this songs have alot of space for creative playing anyway

:lol: nah, the first one's Decapitated and the second one is Death.
I'm not an expert in writing music, but I agree with you, even though the songs sound good as they are, the drumming could have been much more interesting.
Hahahaha, thanks for the suggestions. I can emulate but I'm not really creative. When my band writes a new song I'll post a video of it and I'll try to be a bit more creative. I more just working on my endurance, so i'm just copying the style of those songs. Thanks for the comment tho! I'll try it out. If you want creative drumming, Anata's album Conductor's Departure is really good.
I'm a guitar player, I only play a few beats drums when I visit my brother. I'm just able to play some standard things and I know how to read drum notes lol.

And I'm very interested in good drumming.

My favorite drummers are:
- Dave Weckl
- Derek Roddy
- The Adler guy from Lamb Of God
- Tim Yeung (although I don't know how good he plays without triggers)
- KC Howard
- my old Drummer Max Dederichs (he's a beast)

and no Marco Minneman? :zombie:
Hey !

I have a Mapex Orion kit
- 17/22`` bass drum
- 10,12 toms and 14,16 floor toms
- mainly Sabian HHX cymbals and HHX Legacy Hi-Hat, a HHX Dave Weckl Signature Splash and a Zildjian Horacio Hernandez 16`` Crash (I won this one in one of his clinics haha usually I play Sabian but.....would've been stupid not to use it :P)
- I have Emperor/Ambassador heads and some Pinstripes here and there

I study at the Sherbrooke University, QC in musical interpretation, profile : Drum Teaching
I also play in a band called Dreamcatcher. Our first album is coming out REAL SOON !!
^Fuck Quebec is in motherfucking fire. I'm really sure now that COBOT or just COB is now 50% from Quebec, no kidding.

J'ai pas de son sur cette ordi, mais dès que j'en ai je lâche une oreille sur ce que t'a fait.
wow COOOL songs very rockish and nice to listen to, i like the vocals and its something i don't say about every singer i hear.
hope youy wont neglet the bass in the mix because from what i have heard on that lil short moment when he played alone on WOTO he has very fenderish jazz sound it will be hard to make him present in the mix he will be just there to support the bottom of the guitars
Princess Wildchild : how long have you been playing ? for gravity blasting well....either you use double-strokes in push/pull motion or you use finger-control. Keep you wrist very relax.