Drums for Siegreicher Marsch...


fuck shit
Jan 6, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Alright, i'm sure you fuckers missed me. This probably won't be answered by Fred himself, but its worth a shot...Maybe i'm not the only one learning the song...The part that starts at 1:03...Is that three triplets on the feet and then 2 single strokes, or is it 4 beats and not a triplet? My teacher says 4, but i'm only hearing 3...This has been bothering me for some time now, and so I want to get this taken care of...P.S...Im going to record myself playing a bunch is wicked Amon Amarth riffs, regardless of whether i'm playing this song correctly...And yes, I will post it on here...
I'm guessing it's the part where the tempo doubles, never really thought about it but your teacher is right, i play 4 kickdrum hits and then 2 singles.
don't know what martin did on the original recording of victorious march.
Andersson said:
I'm guessing it's the part where the tempo doubles, never really thought about it but your teacher is right, i play 4 kickdrum hits and then 2 singles.
don't know what martin did on the original recording of victorious march.

Whatever you do - you fucking rock, man! :worship:
Alright, thanks a lot man. This will sound really juvenile, but thats fucking nifty that my favourite drummer answered my question. By the way, your drumming for An Ancient Sign of Coming Storm is absolutely rediculously nuts, as all your drumming is. If I can become even half the drummer you are by the time I die, I would die a very happy man. If for some reason your stuff is lost for the Toronto show (or any show for that matter) feel free to just let yourself in my house and take my drums.
Yeah, I'm definately hearing 4 double hits followed 2 single on the off beats in between.
Yeah, it sort of felt weird. I would have to slow down the 3 strokes a fair deal and it didn't feel natural. Thats because I was compensating for that 1 beat thats missing in my version... Oh well, now I can lay claim to the triplet version as my own...And at least I have the fills correct...I think...

Does anyone know what Make/Size Freds main crash cymbal is?