Drums .wav files for sketching

Look, man, you're on a board that is vehemently against torrents, pirating or the like. You just flat-out said that you would post torrent links. I don't think you'll be around very long, and if you are, I doubt anyone is going to take kindly to your behavior. You started out really polite, and I offered a suggestion, which was shot down. Then I asked a question, and got a nice comment that we weren't here to discuss your "philosophy."

Foot in mouth, much?

Look, first I didn't need your suggestion. I made this thread exactly to avoid what you suggested. I just told oyu I didn't want to talk about it any further and was just looking for samples.
And my behavior, well, I'm like a psycho kid. I want something, you give me something else and I poop fireballs.
But it's ok, I use TUMs or roll-aids.
For real thanks but no thanks.

I edited the link since you're crazy about torrent stuff and think everything is illegal.