Drums with 100% real snare... finally :D

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I finally managed to get a snare drum sound that works without samples..
my garage seems to make things 'roomier' and more distant than normal.. so I put the mic fucking close to the head. Result is less bleed than normal and a more upfront sound. Finally.

Hopefully will do a full cover of this song to celebrate the fact that our singer now sounds like a singer and not like some guy that happens to be on pitch, but this is it for now (rockband tracks backing me up).

I'm particularly proud of the fill in the middle.. all rimshots, and the only note that was edited was the final one. Then c'n'pd for the other 2 times.

Toms are 100% samples cos I don't have mics, rest is completely real.


Updated mix with guitars and vocals:

Final (?) Version:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324723/The Kill 2Dec.mp3
Working on this end. Snare does indeed sound great, as does the kick. Good to hear some quality recording with those two natural. Snare could be a little too ringy for some tastes, but I think it fits the song.
The snare sounds pretty good actually, I would like a bit more bottom mic but that's a matter of taste.

The drums don't seem "glued" though. The hihat/cymbals and the drums need to work together, right now all I'm hearing is the kick and snare but I have to concentrate to hear the hihat. I hear it but it's not distict.

Sounds like I'm bashing it but I actually really like it. A breath of freash air among all these drumkits from hell.
Thanks. Yeah, I've always liked ringy snares.. well not so much ringy as having a distinct tone round 300hz that comes and goes, something you can only get with a natural snare (the coming and going that is.. if its always there its just annoying). I can't stand snares that just hit and then disappear, I like hearing the decay and behind a wall of guitars the only decay that is audible is that 300hz tone.

I know.. unfortunately for some reason I get a LOT of drums in my OHs. I don't know if my cymbals are soft, or my drums are loud or what. I've tried a lot of things but the problem remains. So I have to turn the OHs down a lot and then you can hear the cymbals much. :/ Hopefully I'll make a cover of this with my band, so will be able to design all the guitars, etc. from scratch and make the final thing a bit more cohesive.
And there's no bottom mic on the snare, just the top.. I've added another 57 to my extensive to-buy list.
Sounds fucking awesome Morgan, no complaints about this snare sound. Got this nice scooped thwack to it that ive only ever gotten once in any of my other recordings. That was real drums too funnily enough, rather than S2.0. Haha.

Great vocalist, great mix in general. I'm impressed man, fantastic drumming too, you're getting really, really solid now man.

Just out of interest, mind sharing the deets on how you eq'd the snare?
Sounds fucking awesome Morgan, no complaints about this snare sound. Got this nice scooped thwack to it that ive only ever gotten once in any of my other recordings. That was real drums too funnily enough, rather than S2.0. Haha.

Great vocalist, great mix in general. I'm impressed man, fantastic drumming too, you're getting really, really solid now man.

Just out of interest, mind sharing the deets on how you eq'd the snare?

thanks, Jared Leto is an awesome singer :D
Hopefully will do a full cover of this song to celebrate the fact that our singer now sounds like a singer and not like some guy that happens to be on pitch, but this is it for now (rockband tracks backing me up).

Snare was 2 tracks, one for the crack with a transient designer and a really short gate, and one for the body with comp with 0 attack and a looser gate. Then bussed together for some compression. EQ was like.. boost at 200hz, wide boost at 8khz, and maybe a cut at 300hz? Few more minor things that I can't remember.. either a boost or cut at 800hz.
thanks, Jared Leto is an awesome singer :D

Snare was 2 tracks, one for the crack with a transient designer and a really short gate, and one for the body with comp with 0 attack and a looser gate. Then bussed together for some compression. EQ was like.. boost at 200hz, wide boost at 8khz, and maybe a cut at 300hz? Few more minor things that I can't remember.. either a boost or cut at 800hz.

Jared Leto!?!?! Is this true!?

Also, this sound sounds fucking awesome dude!
haha, i thought this guy sounded uncannily like jared haha.
howd you manage to get the acapellas?
Well, just did guitars and acoustics for this today, soudns really good. First time ever mic'ing up an acoustic and it sounds fantastic. Will get vocals done soon then upload a finished thing :)
The snare and kick sounds indeed really good but the snare sounds too smashed without much dynamic. But for a real sound it´s great. The "in your face" snare sound comes only by mic placement or also from transient designer?
I know.. unfortunately for some reason I get a LOT of drums in my OHs. I don't know if my cymbals are soft, or my drums are loud or what. I've tried a lot of things but the problem remains. So I have to turn the OHs down a lot and then you can hear the cymbals much. :/ Hopefully I'll make a cover of this with my band, so will be able to design all the guitars, etc. from scratch and make the final thing a bit more cohesive.
And there's no bottom mic on the snare, just the top.. I've added another 57 to my extensive to-buy list.

I think you can put some more OH's there, the drums are quite dry now. Have you tried to compress or limit the OH's? That will bring the drums down in volume in the OH tracks (if the drums are loud compared to the cymbals).