drunk and blasting amon amarth

I think I did that Sunday, I do not remember much except that I almost killed my self falling up the stairs, I do recall waking up with my Wrath DVD box on my bed.
my set tonight:

1 Valhall Awaits Me
2 Friends Of The Suncross
3 The Last With Pagan Blood
4 For The Stabwounds In Our Backs
5 Where Silent Gods Stand Guard
6 Vs. The World
7 Slaves Of Fear
8 Varyags Of Miklagaard
9 The Sound Of Eight Hooves
10 North Sea Storm
11 Where Death Seems To Dwell
12 Hermod's Ride To Hel - Lokes Treachery part 1
13 Töck's Taunt - Loke's Treachery Part II
14 1000 Years Of Oppression
15 … And Soon The World Will Cease To Be


16 Bastards Of A Lying Breed
17 Burning Creation
18 Victorious March
19 Death In Fire


Cheers !
Surtur Rising Bochum DVD all the way through:kickass: with TOTTG SummerBreeze DVD as encore if i haven't passed out before killing all those beers...:headbang::puke:o_O been doing this at least once a week all summer