Drunk girlfriend with period = shit

Some chicks take it VERY personal if you won't do the deed while they're bleeding. So, what? If you aren't into it, you aren't into it. End of story. Just remind her that sex during her menstrual cycle puts her at higher risk of developing complications that is believed to lead to pelvic inflammatory disease.
That just made me imagine the scenario "I'm sorry honey, I'd do you but I don't want to get cancer."

haha. I don't think I could get away with that ever. :lol:
Some chicks take it VERY personal if you won't do the deed while they're bleeding. So, what? If you aren't into it, you aren't into it. End of story. Just remind her that sex during her menstrual cycle puts her at higher risk of developing complications that can lead to illness, disease and even as far as cancer.

^ Really? Fuck, mine has to swat me away with brooms and shit during that time.
Waaat?=! Give you cancer? TO YOU? The male?! What the fuck? I don't buy that shit, doesn't make any sense... It could cause to the woman (according to what you said) by what you said... but still I find it a bit hard to believe... Cause I've always ripped that shit with my gf when she's on her period, you just get your pecker bloodbathed, who cares?!:kickass:
Yeah, sorry dudes, I had my wires crossed. I was thinking of something else I read while I typed that. I've edited my post, though. It doesn't put the dude at risk of anything aside from a mess to clean, but it can cause some problems for the lady-folk later on down the road, from what I understand. While I'm not a medical practitioner, several members of my family are in the medical field (not receptionists, either for anyone thinking "yeah, okay... riiight").