DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

It seems that messed up relationships are more here on the board than in our lifes...i mean the hostility in the air lately, it's senseless, it only brings more and more hostility, stay calm and _speak_ calm, there's no need to get into a fight everytime you have different opinions. If someone write something that is "wrong" for someone else, well, this isn't a catastrophe, just say what you (we) think without thinking "my way is the way, you all are wrong!"

I'm not referring to anyone in particular, 'cause i didn't read all the debates, i just noticed that things are different lately.
Thanks for listening
I wonder if anyone here has something to say that is actually RELEVANT to the topic...I propose we get to the original topic at hand. I don't like to see such a good thread ruined because some people (not just the two people I originally commented on) feel the need to have petty arguments.
Originally posted by phyre
Nope, not as far as I can remember. On the IF forum, perhaps. I wouldn't know; as far as I'm concerned 75% or more of the forum there is just a big grey mass of stupidity. I don't care who you are, only what you say. Occasionally.

Well, being insulted on one forum will not make me forgive it on the other one... so maybe should you be more careful on the In Flames forum, cause many people (like you) browse on the two.

Whithout any grudge maybe?

The reason why we don't speak about real-life messed up relationships most probably is the absence of such (not messed, relationships ;)) :spin:

Siren (feeling an urge to visit the IF board)
I would prefer the fight being moved elsewhere, as (though aptly pointed out by Siren that this does in a a weird way apply) this was originally intended for people to post their relationships with people other than those on the forum...

If you want to talk shit to each other, use pm's. You don't have to ruin this thread in some obscene attempt to win people over to your respective sides of the argument or show that you're better than each other. Frankly, I don't think we care which of you is 'better'. All you're doing is lessening any respect people here had for you.

Holy crapola! I had to go back and read the 1st page of posts in this thread to see what it was actually about (since I've hadn't posted in it or read it in the past), and now that I *do* know, I can say w/ ease that yes, I'm in a relationship (for a little over 1 year 2 mos. or so) and yes, it's messed up.

But, being as though I'm not *that* open, I'll keep much of the messed up stuff between she and I and not a bunch of complete strangers online :grin:
Originally posted by Kovenant84
I would prefer the fight being moved elsewhere, as (though aptly pointed out by Siren that this does in a a weird way apply) this was originally intended for people to post their relationships with people other than those on the forum...

If you want to talk shit to each other, use pm's. You don't have to ruin this thread in some obscene attempt to win people over to your respective sides of the argument or show that you're better than each other. Frankly, I don't think we care which of you is 'better'. All you're doing is lessening any respect people here had for you.


As i said yesterday in my reply, i agree 100%.
Right now, my relationship with my roomies is so nice and good, if they make a few more jokes you will be reading about us in the news paper and I will be reading that one in jail most likely :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
LOL, Salamurhaaja, LOL. I know all too well the subtle nuances of trying to get along w/ housemates/roommates. I used to have a saying in college - if you want to remain friends, don't move in together. Now, that *doesn't* apply to lovers, but...
@D_J: I don't know, usually it's not me ;)

@Sun: And i spent a long time staring at it, amazed by its intelligence :grin:
@Sun: Yeah, it's all the above, except you did one mistake:
It doesn't soothe me to the point of pure tranquillity...
It soothes me to the point of Dark tranquillity :loco:
Just an update on life in general at a little past midnight after getting back from the pub with friends who all happen to be in relationships with me being the SOLE single person left.
Ok, whine over :p