DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

well DJ..it's all a matter of perspective....to your eyes, it very well could be that THEY are the only ones who are not alone!!!! ;) :p
and if that fails (because probably is the most stupid perspective you could ever face) you can always say that a) you want to be original b) you need time for yourself and that time is NOW c) but I still haven't found what i'm looking for or my fave one d) "hey dudes, have you noticed that there isn't a single girl cute enough to match with me??"
so you choose :)

fathervic (solutions for all the family)
e) it's so much better being alone, who needs a pain in the ass? :devil:

Siren (yeah, that was my line ;))
Thinking how to misinterpret Siren's quote .... :p

But I've recently fucked up again... went to the IF/Slayer show at Roseland over here, and forgot about how much pot gets smoked there... now, while I'm thrashing, it doen't affect me (I guess cause I'm not breathing right), but Soulfly played between the two others, and I didn't even bob my head to them, so I got kinda loopy. Wouldn't you know, thats when the really hot blonde girl had to walk up to me and start talking about IF... basically I responded to 2 questions and then zoned... or was laughing at someone doing some spanish dance to what soulfly thinks is metal... In any case, I screwed up royally... met someone who attracted me and liked metal, and essentially blew her off... while leaving I saw her again, but with 3 bigger guys (and me being the little pipsqueek I am), so I walked on by, feeling like an ass. I didn't dream this up... my friend was also feeling I acted quite the ass, so I think I'll go hit my head against something till I forget it for another week. Oh well... college coming up, and I'll be in the middle of the Village, so hopefully I will meet someone I can relate to... update if it happens...

That sucks man, but its not your fault that you got a contact high (unless you smoked with the other people at the concert :p), it sucks that you zoned out and the chick walked away, but you really cant blame that on yourself. And yes Soulfly sucks.

Originally posted by FatherVic
and if that fails (because probably is the most stupid perspective you could ever face) you can always say that a) you want to be original b) you need time for yourself and that time is NOW c) but I still haven't found what i'm looking for or my fave one d) "hey dudes, have you noticed that there isn't a single girl cute enough to match with me??"
so you choose :)

fathervic (solutions for all the family)


@Dark_Jester: I recognize that particular whine. ;)

Four of my five closest friends now have partners and yes, it's less fun to go out with those guys and girls nowadays. This since pretty much all you do is sit around listening to the couples talking amongst each other about everything relationships are about. Maybe you answer a question every now and then, but that's about it. No wonder you spend much time in the bar and go home early most of the time, saying "I have to get up early tomorrow" or something like that. ;) Friends are of course friends, but for natural reasons partners seem to come prior to friends.

That was the downside(s) to being single. The upside(s):

Since you don't live together with anyone, you're pretty free to do exactly what you like when you like. You can stay up until the birds start chirping in the morning. You'll never hear "Shut the computer off and sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow." for example.

Granted, there are pros and cons with both alternatives. It's just a matter of what you prioritize more and are willing to sacrifice to achieve what you want. I enjoy being single most of the time, but still I feel that there's something vital missing in my life. (No, not a house pet. :p)

@wildfyr: Great image. :) *saving to disk*

@FatherVic: I'd go with either C or D. :D

@Siren: :lol:

- Sunjammer (stating the obvious)
or was laughing at someone doing some spanish dance to what soulfly thinks is metal...

Do I have to get offended???? :p (it serve you right :D )

wildfyr: you are probably right, if those women are waiting for the perfect moment during card game are certainly wrong, since every they should be searching on Google (TM) which is probably the best way to get the perfect man's email :p

fathervic (not listed in google though...)
lol... for laughing at someone else's dancing? (and it wasn't the girl I was talking to)... I think not. And yeah, it was a contact high... I don't smoke, drink, etc. Actually I'm kinda bizarre in that metal is the last genre you'd ever think I'd listen to unless I told you. (That is, if you saw me in person outside of a concert.) I mean... look at my pic on the members page... I ain't the most evil sob you've ever seen...

Well isn't this an interesting thread. I am not about to read it from the beginning, so, I will just attempt to start to comment on a few things....

@Wildfyr--THAT is a damn funny picture.

I think it applies to both sexes. Too many women want the "perfect guy" who is smart, funny, intelligent, wealthy, a great lover and so on and so on. Guys want a woman who is a super-model, who is wealthy, who cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids (if they have any). GUESS WHAT PEOPLE....IT DOESN'T HAPPEN:p

I have had my share of shitty relationships and I've also had some good ones. I try to learn from each one, taking away both the good and the bad. These days, I don't stress about it. I don't NEED to have a man in my life. Sure it would be nice and I am open to it, most definitely. I don't, however, make it a priority in my life.

At this point, I don't wish to share some of my horror stories:D
Originally posted by ShadowLioness
women want the "perfect guy" who is smart, funny, intelligent, wealthy, a great lover and so on and so on. Guys want a woman who is a super-model, who is wealthy, who cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids (if they have any). GUESS WHAT PEOPLE....IT DOESN'T HAPPEN:p

so what you're trying to tell us is there are no wealthy ppl in the world. :p

well, i'm not looking for a super-model, but i expect my wealthy partner to have someone to cook and do household chores. ;)

Originally posted by ShadowLioness
Guys want a woman who is a super-model, who is wealthy, who cooks, cleans and takes care of the kids (if they have any). GUESS WHAT PEOPLE....IT DOESN'T HAPPEN:p

I don't want a super-model, I don't care if they are wealthy, as long as they clean up after themselves and perhaps cook, cos I really suck at it, I'll be happy.

I think People who only look for the type of women you describe are really shallow and have no idea of reality.

Of course I am not saying I wouldn't mind a wealthy or a good looking (I am sorry, I don't find super-models attractive) partner, but it's definetly something I am looking for and not something I could get anyway.

So, I don't agree with that part, now what women want is another matter and I won't say word about that :lol:

Just my 0.02 euros.
so can wolfy and i buy you some 10 years down the line? you don't need to be my partner, don't know about his, you'd have to ask him. :lol:

Damn Kovenant that really sucks...I think everyone else is right though and it's not your fault. But all things happen for a reason and for all you know, she might have made you a miserable person. That's just the way I think about things like that so I don't feel too bad when things don't go right. Anyway, the next Slayer show you go to, you can keep your shirt over your mouth haha.
Well... it wasn't so much Slayer as Roseland. And in any case, I'm pretty much over it. Hell... i don't know what kind of person she was anyway, so I shouldn't have even made a judgement.

~Kovenant (going to go cry :cry: ) :)lol: )
Sunjammer & ShadowLioness: thanks! =) it's not mine though.

Nick: :p

Sal: best not to speculate? :lol:

wildfyr: you are probably right, if those women are waiting for the perfect moment during card game are certainly wrong, since every they should be searching on Google (TM) which is probably the best way to get the perfect man's email

i'm fairly certain it is not a card game, Father. could be drinks, methinks. :D


fathervic (not listed in google though...)

why not? are you the Keymaster? *purrrrrs* ;-)
The google reference reminds me of a game played at the Opeth board some time ago. You searched google for your nickname and pasted the first image that showed up.

This is mine. Rather weird, I might say...
