not necessarily. actually there should be a nash equilibrium. let's say kid A and kid B both have the option of either emerging from the bottle and giving a try at a meaningful relationship or remaining in their little closed world. of course if kid A comes out and kid B does not or vice versa there's going to be painful losses for both. if neither kid A nor kid B do, things are as they were, with a remarkable general loss, albeit lower than in the previously described case. if both kid A and kid B come out simultaneously, HA! large profit for everyone. by "coming out" i don't necessary mean they should stop drinking, they just should stop denying their affection and attention to the other, replacing or complementing whatever - alcohol or motorcycles or black metal or plain old selfishness - they have at the point. but, surprise, the most frequent outcome is kid A jumps out and kid B tells 'em to go fuck themselves, in a subtle way or not. this is inconsistent with my basic game theory, and it's no long shot to work out why: game theory assumes intelligent agents.
hyena (you won't know what hit you)