DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

@|ngenius: Thanks for the advice. It's appreciated. I'm keeping my hopes up. I've never given up without a fight except in those cases where I've known I'd lose. Why waste energy and time if when you know you're going to lose anyway? Btw, did you "win" that special someone? :)
In my personal opinion, all it's a mixture of matureness, consciousness and illusions. Not even a wise man knows beforehand the results/consequences of the chosen path, so just choose and don't mind about wasting energies if you have the chance to win (keep your illusions safely). Try to preview, choose as wisely as you can, and go on. Hard but true.

@Hyena: Rahvin's right, every situation has its special connotation, milady. :)

@Sun: I've lost her. But I fought. ;)

|ng (Not a warrior. No remorse)
Agreed. In my case my (ex?)gf found me, more than the other way around, and looking back, had she been with someone, I most definitely would have been to scared or wimpy to try and compete. Well... I don't know that for sure, but its probable. The exact path you're taking now Sun is just what I would have done, regardless of whether she was spoken for or not, so I can't critique style, but I can say that if you make her happy, make her laugh, she'll think about you. And that might give you what you need.

~Kovenant (no longer going out, but still in love... and the former could always change)
I hate to say this, but did anyone think about the confusion she might get into?
That is a very true point, Siren, but I've never seen things from that perspective before, and so I find it hard to comment on. If you could though, that would be great. I think the more points of view we get on things here, the better advice we can give as a whole.

@Siren: Confusion? I guess I haven't woken up entirely yet so this might be one of my most stupid questions ever, but... in which way could she be confused? If she's happy with her boyfriend and has no wish to get a new one, she won't encourage me to keep on hitting on her and thus ending things before they've even begun.
@Siren: When you're the one who, regardless your real wishes, have the chance of choose freely... where's the confusion? It's a matter of reckoning, as far as I know.

@Sun, aaahhh a fecked up situation in deed. I would say if you are that attracted towards this woman, that there is NOTHING you can do from keeping her out of your mind, then slowly warm up to her. The only way you'll prob get rid of her b/f is by killing him, and you dont seem that crazy :). Like Hearse said posts ago, just take it slow, and be careful!! This thing could easily turn around and blow up in your face.

on the running away theme.

i, for one, have always considered the phrase i am scared of getting into a relationship the worst piece of bullshit someone could come up with. apparently i'll have to reconsider.

i have been seeing my ex on and off for a while now. everything was going well in the sense that, although he had some sentimental pretense, i was sure i was just in for nice evenings and some sex.

tonight we went out and had a blimey time, then he invited me to his place and i politely declined on account of various motivations that included the fact that now i'm staying at my parents' and he should have told me that there was such an opportunity sometimes sooner than 2 am - my mom was already asleep and upon not finding me at home in the morning she would have thought of a car crash or something.

petty details aside, he insisted that a night crammed full of pleasures of the flesh (as in eating and drinking) should be completed by sex. i was sort of telling him that i saw the whole picture as unpurposeful: it's okay to have casual intercourse with someone as long as it is casual, but i don't see the point of getting sentimental, affectionate and passionate once per month and then forgetting everything about it.

let me clarify that i didn't say that with anger or scorn, just matter-of-factly. the point was: i like you and i might like you even more, but i need to have a project for us to like too, not just a night's experience. the especially stupid thing is that given how he craves that experience repeatedly i don't see how he cannot add the factors beyond words that he says now and would deny tomorrow, but this is rahvin's field of analysis more than mine.

all in all, i was thinking that now there are two ways to go on. either we keep on having sex and i hope he's going to see reason sooner or later (he has in a variety of fields, why not this one?), or i downgrade the whole thing to "just friends" again. i will pick the second one, since the first one entails a bit of expectation building and therefore unavoidable suffering, but i guess this means i am scared of getting into a relationship , literally. I just want a relationship suited to my current preferences, and I exclude everything that does not fit without even trying.

aside from the individual situation, which is not terribly important, i'm a bit surprised by my own attitude.
