DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

@Dark Jester: You can learn anyway, and also take some benefits. You always should keep your eyes opened, and be ready for the action. ;)

|ng (Not ready)
@Ormir: I think that the current way this forum is administered/moderated, ie "let people do what they want where they want" with some notable exceptions (self-promotions, threads that are ostensibly the same in topic like Damage Done reviews) works fine. You might want to propose a poll on "Do you want to merge the three chat threads (how do you feel, relationships, dreams) in one?"; I think that our wise moderator would gladly do so if asked by the majority. I am not against this solution, but I'd like for it to be adopted after a vote.

i think all this chat could be avoided if we tried to stay more on-topic on each thread, i.e., you talk here about your relationships, you talk about how you feel today on that thread, and you talk about high-sounding ground-breaking concepts on the dream thread.
having some sort of "official" chat thread won't stop ppl from chatting elsewhere, and nobody will ever feel like joining because it would quickly become too long and confusing.
however, all ideas are welcome.

Okay, haven't written much (or anything at all) here in a while and I feel like I have to type some of my pain away...

The problem is of the emotional kind. A woman is, of course, involved. "Get over it!" is a common reply to these posts and I'll surely get one or two of those. At the moment, I teach and one of the people who's here to learn has really caught my eye. She's a couple of years younger than me and looks like an angel. If you look closely you can see her angel wings. Her eyes, her smile, her laugh, the sheer composition of her face... They visit me in my dreams. *sigh*

As if this isn't enough, she has a great personality as far as I know. Good opinions, great humor, nice taste in clothing etcetera. Okay, so she smokes, but what the hell. Nobody's perfect. She's trying to quit as well.

"Problem being?" you say? Well, as this is one of those classic cases, she's already spoken for and is happy with her boyfriend. Just my luck. [insert "Get over it!" type of reply here]. I don't expect you to understand the pain of the situation. You probably do, but... I mean, if only she had some annoying sides. It'd be easier to forget and move on, but as things are right now... I know I have to move on eventually, for my own good, but it's hard. Isn't it just typical? When you meet someone that really ignites you, she's out of reach...

I think I'll stop annoying you now and go drown my sorrow in tea...
a slight variation on "get over it": do away with her boyfriend. ;)
no, seriously. you could try and compete. do you know the guy? if he's not mr. fabulous you might have the upper hand eventually. if she's so good it's maybe worth trying.

@rahvin: She's definitely worth fighting for. I'm working on it. Taking every chance I get to help and be of assistance, no matter the problem. As for the boyfriend, I have no idea of who the guy is or what he's like...
rahvin, I marvel at your words. are we still around to say "go and compete" when we *know* what happens after going and competing? :cry:

oh well, i'd rather not fight cos i lost, but that's just me i suppose ;)

As for the outcome of competing... I'm quite used to getting turned down. It's not fun at all, but I'm used to it. There's always someone else who's cooler, smarter, more attractive etc than me...
@sun: i beg to differ. i am consistently turned down for someone who's nearly not cool and smart as me. attractive, i won't say. :)

@hyena: Well, that's what I meant. I'm cool, smart and quite good-looking if I may say so. I was simply acting from the other person's point of view... but you knew that already. :)
Originally posted by rahvin
if he's not mr. fabulous you might have the upper hand eventually. if she's so good it's maybe worth trying.

The matter in these cases is NOT the degree of perfection that the guy might be reached, but it is if he's what the girl is looking for. Perhaps the guy is a perfect idiot and the girl is deeply in love, you cannot do objective evaluations in that entangled field.

@Sunjammer: I was in a sort of similar situation and, in addition, we were close friends. It was the most feel of attraction I've ever felt. The details are senseless for this issue, but I assure you that you can do nothing more than keep your hopes and start the duel if you consider that the final prize worthwhile. Certain "warriors" defeat their adversary, some others just surrender. ;) Battles are always a bloodbath, just do your best to be into the winners side when it ends. :D
