DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

@rahvin: We won't do it again sir, we're sorry. :rolleyes:
But i see you don't want us to take it completely on icq, you lil gossip, mh? :p [j/k]
Originally posted by Siren
@rahvin: We won't do it again sir, we're sorry. :rolleyes:
But i see you don't want us to take it completely on icq, you lil gossip, mh? :p [j/k]

i'm being paid millions by the icq company try and contain your activity there. :p

oh, and yesterday was the greatest day ever. :hotjump:

Originally posted by rahvin
i'm being paid millions by the icq company try and contain your activity there. :p

You bastard, I knew there was something major wrong with you!
You're taking money from AOL, that is almost as bad as taking money from M$ :p
Originally posted by Salamurhaaja
You bastard, I knew there was something major wrong with you!
You're taking money from AOL, that is almost as bad as taking money from M$ :p

that's not half as bad as taking money from the mafia. :p

rahvin. (hinting at his hidden activities)
btw,tonight i saw in the news some pictures from Milano.....there where floodings everywhere....... it was so shocking!!

rahvin how is the situation in your city???

~mel~ (who hopes she is not asking stupid stuff,cause she has no clue about italian geography so milano can be 1837214173 miles away from rahviniancity)
@mel: milan is just some 140km to the east of here, so you're an undiscovered geography genius. ;) the situation here in turin is just ok: the rains stopped on tuesday and everything seems just fine.
when we arrived in milan on tuesday morning, and we met and got to drive around some bandmembers a bit, chaos was really setting the norm. luckily enough, the city of milan itself didn't suffer any major damage, and dt somehow managed to pass through the possible wreckage unscathed (except for their brush with a 50-y-o non-metalhead guy who recognised mikael in the church of the dome :guh: ). the rains actually stopped halfway through the afternoon, although a girl i met in the club insisted that if we had gotten inside when it wasn't raining then we were there since the previous week. :lol: aeonstream suggested a perfect way to make her eat her words, but the girl had somehow vanished, hopefully engulfed by a sudden downpour. :D

Flooding! :confused: :eek:

I guess when it's the middle of winter and you're walking in knee-deep snow you sort of think that it's the same for everyone... Weird. :err:
yeah, well, goodnight :)
please come back tomorrow and tell us that you're alive, otherwise i will worry a bit.

I hope Nick does come back to show he is alive...

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
Well my relationship isnt messed up at all, but for the sake of people trying ot find other people, and the ones with messed up relationships, I will keep my mouth shut. :)
Mine aren't either, anymore... so I'll be quiet.

<--- not drunk yet (we have no alcohol :( )
@Ormir: Maybe you'd be interested to know it's actually sunny here most of the time. :p
Originally posted by mousewings
Mine aren't either, anymore... so I'll be quiet.

That is always a good thing, I have to say my "feelings" on this side are also quite ok , I am have with what I have :)

<--- not drunk yet (we have no alcohol :( )

Well, I am, tho you can't tell from my typing hahahahhh Muhahahahah Hahhaahahah uuum hmmm yeah... :) oh my :puke:
My relationship has been pretty volatile recently... seems like I keep messing up the little things, but I'm able to keep things going just by being myself. One question: What are your opinions on calling your significant other when you are apart... is there a point where calling too much can be considered annoying? or calling too little negligence?

~Kovenant (guess what my latest mess-up was about...)
I guess thats left to judement, Do you think shes gets annoyed when you call? Or when you dont? who knows, Just go with your instincts;)
in a perfect world you'd call anytime you'd feel like talking to him/her. in a less-than-perfect world it's quite possible that the other gets annoyed by a number of reasons and your call somehow happens at the wrong time. of course any annoyed reaction on account of being "bothered too much" does not allow complaints about negligence afterwards, for obvious consistency reasons. and vice-versa.
