DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

awawaw. i think it's important to remember that most times you really are calling _for yourself_, so i guess the threshold has something to do with how much a particular thing (ie talking to each other) pleases both to the same extent... what i want to say is that it is really rare to bell someone to make them happy, this happens (normally during the first month of a relationship and then it's over) but normally it is to make the caller happy... i guess it all depends from the unhappiness you bring in the other person's life :)

To clarify, I was asking that as a general question, from both points of view... I erred on the side of negligence over Thanksgiving break, and she got quite mad at me... honestly I don't know why I didn't call, but its too late now... anyway, things are much better, and we've put it behind us. I like the opinions though.

@hyena: *agrees with Mel and Nick* :(

And on another saddening note; I didn't get the girl this time either. A long time ago, in a thread not far away, I mentioned an angel descended from the heavens. An angel whom I helped with her computer studies. But alas, despite showing interest in her and everything about her, I got nowhere. I'm back to square one again... Oh, well... Such is life I guess.. *sigh*
@sunjammer: angels are often lost in thoughts. the kind that never seems to appreciate your efforts to help them with their lives is the worst around. it's not even malice, it's just some kind of looking inward instead of at what's really happening around you. then these same individuals meet some immature prick who just happens to have the right features at the right time in the right place and - lo and behold - they put him on a pedestal for the following ten months or so on account of him having been so kind as to - i don't know - turning slightly the other way before sneezing noisily. :rolleyes:

@deepinmisery: it's ok if you don't want to talk about it, but the fact that they're watching would not work against you at all: they're watching, but you're posting, and we're your posse now, not theirs. ;)

rahvin. (will someday call some of his own watchers' bluff)
@sun: whatever the dwarf says (has no meaning :lol: ). now seriously, when people start throwing rocks instead of love towards you, just answer with another one of eminem's lines: *if you've got nothing nice to say, then don't say nothing*.

@everyone who sent their support: thanks. i'm irritated as fuck, as stated on the feelings thread, and it's sucky to have no future to plan anymore... but hey, ho, yo, hello there, there's about 4000 new people i will get to know next year, counting workplace only. if you exclude the 1000 or so women, it's still about 3000 guys. using a multitude of restrictive filters, they're still too many for a lifetime, therefore... the best of luck to me.

h (gonna find a way to get at least a dinner invitation from that 24k guy, i'm not eating enough recently)
@rahvin: Sad... but true. Well spoken words there, friend.

@hyena: Thanks for the tip. :)

@the both of you: Thank you for your support. I appreciate it a lot...
Originally posted by Mr. NoReaction
I just read parts of this thread and my situation is similar to someone else's but our reaction is completely different ...

I met this girl 3 months ago on a chat board ... we talked a bit, realized we liked the same kind of music and shared the same views on the people around us (annoying parents, 1 or 2 good friends, the rest ranging from good people to complete assholes) so we exchanged e-mails and started chatting on MSN

she started to send me tons of metal songs and I tried to write the lyrics of songs she couldn't find lyrics for ... a nice little friendship established ... I started to share some pretty personnal stuff with her, shit I never told anyone ... and so did she ... so of course I thought (and wished) the relationship would get more serious

then I saw her picture ... a fuckin' knockout with a great smile ... so I tell her that I find her pretty ... I send her a couple of pictures of myself ... she says I look funny on a couple of pictures but I can sense there's no immediate attraction, otherwise she would have told me since I told her, you know ?

a couple of days later we're talking and she says a guy came over to her house during the week-end ... that's when I realised we'd only be friends since she would have invited me if she would have wanted more than just friendship out of me

what I'm trying to say is that sometimes people only want friendship or a confident ... and you gotta accept and respect that, no matter how tough it is :(

personnally I took it pretty well ... for a guy that hasn't been in a relationship for two LONG fuckin' years hehe
but I know my "worth" you know ... I consider myself a pretty nice guy, reasonnably intelligent :lol: with some ambitions ... plus I've been told by goth chicks that I'm cute :grin: haha ... so it's only a matter of time before I find the one and hopefully ... the only

wow, that was long :P ... sorry 'bout that, just had to share my story

hey, just want to update you on my situation a little ... lots of stuff happened since then ...

to make a long story short, she fell madly in love with another guy ( I even helped her find that guy's address ... told you I was a nice guy :grin: ) , then that guy had doubts about their relationship, that fucked her up completely (crying all the time, suicidal thoughts), they stopped talking for a while ... now they talk a bit, he tells her he misses her, bla bla bla ... meanwhile I'm the sucker who has to pick up the pieces ... the poor girl is falling apart because of that jerkoff and I can't do anything because we don't live in the same town ... all I can do is chat with her and confort her :erk:

but on january 17, we're going to the Opeth show together ... hopefully I'm gonna make her laugh and enjoy her time ... putting "the moves" on her would be really low and uncalled for under the circumstances ... anyway, as I said in my other post, she's not interrested so ... but you never know, my charm could change her mind ;) ... NOT !

that's it for the update ! take care guys & gals and happy holidays to all ...
@mr. no reaction: if her current situation makes her cry and feel bad i see nothing wrong in offering some better option, aka you. of course it's not a matter of tricking her into falling in your arms, more like trying to be straightforward and have her know she could think of you as an alternative to the other guy if she realizes she's had enough.
obviously at some point everybody has to make a conscious decision and get away from hurtful situations, but i figure growing out of them is easier when you can actually choose something different.
best wishes. :)

@rahvin : that's exactly what I meant ... problem his though that she thinks he's the one and only ... see, he told her she was the woman of his life and then, in all his dumbass wisdom, rejected her for some reason I can't remember, which caused all the crying & suicidal thoughts ...

anyway, we'll see what happens Jan. 17 ...
Well Im worried about trust in my relationship at the moment.

Im not sure if my g/f of 7 months trusts me. I went out last night, and saw a female friend who I talked to for abit. She was hitting on me, but I didnt do anything, and since I dont keep secrets in my relationships I told my g/f and she thinks I want to have sex with this girl.