DT Forum Members (and their messed up relationships)

Originally posted by mousewings

Don't worry; that was not a rant... :)

I guess the above does apply to my life in some ways... if it was refering to my post. :cry:
Actually it was refering to me having a very bad day :cry:

Friends are so... so... helping some times :)
Originally posted by Siren

Actually it was refering to me having a very bad day :cry:

Friends are so... so... helping some times :)

Well, I hope you have a good day today and feel better soon.

I hope everyone here feels better too... :)
Well, anyone that's known me for a while may know that as far as relationships go, mine don't ;)
Over the past year I've had two relationships where I've been left for supposed friends...I don't know whether it says something about me, or the type of people that are attracted to me (I'm kinda shy, yet people come to me not vice versa, go figure), but thats how it goes. Part of the problem is what I'm startin to refer to as 'peer pressure sex'...namely that it seems it is necessary (here in this part of England anyway) to have sex within the first two weeks - month of a relationship; namely something I'm not prepared to do...I'm just one of these romantic losers that believes in the 'right place, right time, right person' thing...I'm still a virgin and planning on being until the right person comes along...and for some reason, once these girls (as I call them coz I'm not sure they're emotionally mature enough to be called women) find this out, they cheat on me...and the last one I had threw my apparent lack of masculinity in my face, saying she was going to find a real man...
So my status once again, as is and as it should be, is single and looking (for the right person to touch my life in a way that no-one else has)...
Originally posted by Hiljainen
You're surely more a real-man than those guys who want absolutely to have sex. The girl was wrong, not you! :)

I agree too...

@Dark_Jester: Those girls are very immature people to begin with if they dumped you for your "friends". Also it is a good idea to wait to get involved sexually with relationships possibly going bad within the first while. Also there is a risk of other things (STDs; unplanned pregnancies for the female). You are making the wiser choice in comparison to those other people who sleep with anyone they meet within the first while...

As for me I'm even more of a "romantic loser"... I am still a virgin and waiting until I get married to have sex...
Originally posted by mousewings

As for me I'm even more of a "romantic loser"... I am still a virgin and waiting until I get married to have sex...

Well, I support this stance, although I am starting to ask myself if by going this way I will *ever* have sex. Oh well there's many dropout options, take drug use or career climbing. :lol:

I am very pleased to announce you all that right now (7.06 pm) I am so F. _pissed off_ for something particular to hate men in general.

Thanks for listening.

@atlantis: of course you are. that's what happens when guys are involved. but killing all of them is sort of a self-destructive solution... there goes another no-win situation :)

trendy scene. hah.

*crosses arms* (but why do they do this all the time?)