DT gear?!?


Yet Unnamed...
Jan 6, 2002
Växjö, Sweden
Hello there fellow hardrockers!

Just curious about the guitar brands and cabs that Dark Tranquillity uses. I think that the guitars on 'Haven' are astounding - not too brutal while not too kind either. So please could you guys help a guitarrist in search for the ultimate sound!!


Keep rockin'!

I think somebody has asked this before.

According to their webpage, Niklas uses a Rocktron Chameleon Preamp together with Gibson Les Pauls.
His colleague uses a Prophesy Preamp and also a Gibson Les Paul (Studio, I think, since they have no bindings and dot inlays).

Both of them use Rocktron Velocity poweramps, as you can see from live pics.

Their sound is good, indeed, although I'd prefer tube amps instead of solid state ones.

As for cabs I don't know. Normally in Death Metal everybody and his mother plays cabs with Vintage 30 speakers inside (including myself). And they have good reason to do so. Don't fuck around with those standard Marshall G12-T75. They absolutely suck!
Ummm, I have to correct myself: Niklas is using a Gibson Les Paul Studio Gothic, and the blue LEs Paul is indeed a Studio, although it hasn't got dot inlays, as I have written above - I was just incorrectly remembering the picture.
An interesting question guys, as you all know ( or maybe you dont ) my band involves death metal sound and classic jazz guitar sound. Im currently using a b.c. rich guitar wich is a low end guitar ( rave II series wich is better than the bronze but worst than the platinum ) but i am considering an upgrade.

I am tempted to change to a gibson guitar because i heard good things about its clean jazzy sound it can achieve with the right preamp, but im not shure because well im a b.c. rich fan boy for the distorted sound :D

How can i bring the best of both world into 1 guitar? should i consider another guitar or just use a custum humbucker on the b.c. rich ? im givng this serious thought.