Dt Music In The Highway....


Oct 29, 2001
¿Which song you really love to listen to while you're in the road?
Mine is Haven and Cornered
when the night comes, and the city lights turns on, it's a nice experience :D
Don't eat your sox man!!

I'd say Cornered too. But I've done a DT mix for the moments when I'm driving, and it's great from the first song to the last one!
in normal city traffic, i can't possibly find a way to effectively crash my car against anything at a decent speed in less than four minutes. :rolleyes:

my take is shadow duet. try it cruising by night on a winding road by the seaside. you'll reinvent philosophy. ;)

this is relatively easy for me, as i rely solely on my motorbike. well i COULD get a crash in 10sec. if i liked... either way, people who listen to music while biking are quite insane. and at approx. 120 kph the shock-protection of my discman doesn't work anymore :heh:
Scooters, motorbikes, drivers gone mad don't allow any music in this *sweet* traffic chaos theory I live in:D
Driving in my car I rarely listen to DT (need more concentration;) , the rare times it comes I go for the heaviest DT's mood.. but Nether Novas.
It's never enough:)

depends a lot on the mood I am at the moment...
Day To End
Dreamlore Degenerate
or may be The Dividing Line

but driving I like a lot Anathema's Alternative Four, that gets me so down, that I forget I'm on four wheels!
All on Of Chaos, The Gallery and The Minds I...:)

If not DT, At The Gates! Slaughter Of The Soul!!!
