DT stuff showcase

La Rocque said:
Where I get most things like this, the eBay, my high bid was $2
I got outbid on Your auction for this same poster -

so that's probably the same poster I sold and the guy who bought it just sold it back :goggly: aynway, it's a good poster, I have it sticked on my room wall too :)
Soo lets see...

Right now i have the following in my treasure hoard:

Character Promo (signed)
Exposures (signed)
The Gallery Re-release (with cover songs)
The Minds I Re-release (with enter suicidal angels)
Lost to Apathy

Gothic t-shirt (love this one!)
Hours passed in exile t-shirt

Kind of smallish compared to some people on this board, but i am expanding!
UndoControl said:
:hypno: Pic, please?


Thanks Nt3N. As i said, i really like that design, theres loads of details all over the image with corridors, shapes of people and whatnot. What is the big red thingey though? Sort of looks like a tunnel with something coming out of it.

Was walking around a bit looking at t-shirts the other day, when i noticed an Japan tour t-shirt i Stockholm. I had never seen this design before acually, I think it was sort of in the same vein as the dragon t-shirt, but it also had a picture of a girl on one side. Anyone know where i can find a pic of it?
fuck, you guys have some insane lists of stuff, i only have:

Projector, Minds I, Gallery, Of Chaos & Eternal Night EP, Lost of Apathy EP, Character, Damage Done, Exposures, Skydancer.

+ The Gallery & Minds I 10" recrord packaging cds.

Damage Done LP & haven Picture Disc & Character LP.

Damage Done - What acn you tell me of the inside? Shirt.
Australian Tour shirt.
Enter Suicide Angels Longsleeve

& a DT Australian Poster.
i just have the minds i deluxe edition, damage done and live damage dvd :P but i sure want to buy more!! :)
Major CD releases + Japanese releases of The Gallery, The Mind's I, Haven, Damage Done and Character EP.
Bootleg vids and mp3s
dt bumper sticker on my car's bumper
Red dt stickers from the Japanese release of Damage Done
Damage Done black dt t-shirt
Lost to Apathy/cityscape t-shirt
2002 Serious Damage tour t-shirt
and this thingamabob.