DT stuff showcase

My treasure chest:

Damage Done
The Gallery (Re-Issue)
The Mind's I
Skydancer/Of Chaos And Eternal Night
DT Character Tour Shirt
(Soon) Fiction

So, as you can see, it's not much.
hahaha. we say "puttana" (2 Ts), btw. Anyway you want my collection and I want Delirious' one. So We can go together at his hope, steal his, and then share it! :rock: Delirious watch your back :u-huh:


Haha ok figlio di puttana :lol: :p . Ah well my italian is really basic, I only know what Mrs.Gigi has taught me, and I still cannot pronounce the damn viglio, I think I'll never get it. Still, Mrs.Gigi says my accent is better now :kickass: . As a matter of fact, I can brag that in Roma I said: "Io voglio due Pizza per favore". And the guy understood and replied to me in Italian!!! :waah: I was so proud :) :kickass: . I felt even better when my sister talked to the guy and the guy replied to her in English hahahaha :lol: .

Anyway, yeah, lets kill Delirious, I'll grab my club and hit him in the face while you grab his collection :) .

Probelm is, I think we'd have quite a fit sharing, so we'd have to make a fight to the deathor something :erk: :p , Or we could split it 50/50, what do ye think? :)
You pay attention to the last part, you fuck up the first. It's figlio. Talk about a short attention span. :p

As for your plan with Nt3n, i think it will be better if you two marry each other, then you'll have nothing to split (sorry Nt3n!). :loco:

:lol: . I'm starting to think that the problem is that this damn keyboard is too small ye know? :erk:

Hmmm well Nico is not ugly or anything, but I am too greedy and selfish to share such valuable items :heh: , so I'd have to kill him. Nono, I like Nico I'll just knock him and by the time he wakes up I'll be in the next flight to CR! WUA HAHAHAHAHA :Smokin: :rock: :p !!!
aghaghagha no this is the way we dot it.

we go to delirious house, steal his entire collection. then, while sharing, dear LBRH you will get a baseball bat hit on your forehead, and never meet me again (if you ever happen wake up again, I mean)..

hope this is ok with you.. this is my idea of sharing stolen stuff :)

anyway, I'll probably post a picture of my collection, now that I have all major releases and the two 10" boxes, which I'm really proud of :)
^ Hahaha your head would've rolled 10 times before you get to touch me, so no chance of that :heh: .

Great collection btw, hopefully you'll be a good boy and not complain when it suddenly decreases, while mine increases :) :rock: .
My most prized item is my copy of Exposures which was autographed by all the band members at the 2004 Busan Rock Festival. Meeting the band almost didn't happen due to the organizers wanting to close the line.
I suppose I could tell of my modest collection:

The Gallery - US re-release

The Mind's I - US re-release

Projector - Standard

Haven - Standard

Damage Done - with I, Deception if that makes a difference

Exposures: In Retrospect and Denial - Standard

Live Damage DVD - Standard

Character - US jewel case

Focus Shift - Limited Edition Single

Fiction - US Standard version

Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night re-release

DT Flask circa 2007

DT Belt Buckle circa 2007

DT setlist from the Philly show this past March 24th <--- My only pride and joy :p

-as of now, I really want some EPs, if I can afford them. I am teh jealouzz (:p) of the more "extensive" collections already mentioned.
Isn't this thread supposed to be for everyone to SHOWCASE their stuff? "A bunch of promo stuff" is too-vague. What promo stuff?

Edit: Nico, could you please post a picture of the cover of the vinyl? For my site, you know. I'll credit you if you want.
Isn't this thread supposed to be for everyone to SHOWCASE their stuff? "A bunch of promo stuff" is too-vague. What promo stuff?

Edit: Nico, could you please post a picture of the cover of the vinyl? For my site, you know. I'll credit you if you want.

well, hehehe.. the "bunch of promo stuff" includes
- Metal For The Masses US-CAN 2007 Tour Flyer with interviews and pics of the bands (interview with Mikael for DT).
- Character US Tour ad clipped from a magazine

anyway, the detailed info is in my list (first page of this thread) :P

I will soon make pics of the LP for my website too, so as soon as I make then I'll pm you :)