Dual Rectifier tips, tricks and hints.

I spent like 4 hours today (while rehearsing with my band) tweaking the tone... I'm about 90% happy with it, at least in the room... I'm going to be sticking a mic in front of it tomorrow and reamping to see just how awesome it is...

Dylan's paragraph helped out immensely... though where I last left it, I had the TS as a clean boost ([OD808] 0 drive, tone at 0, blend at 12:00) and the presence (channel 3) at 10:00 and the gain around 2:00... funny thing about the gain though, is moving it ever so slightly right around there changes the gain amount A LOT... so sometimes I nudge higher a tad and sometimes its too much...

Such a finicky amp.
I spent like 4 hours today (while rehearsing with my band) tweaking the tone... I'm about 90% happy with it, at least in the room... I'm going to be sticking a mic in front of it tomorrow and reamping to see just how awesome it is...

Dylan's paragraph helped out immensely... though where I last left it, I had the TS as a clean boost ([OD808] 0 drive, tone at 0, blend at 12:00) and the presence (channel 3) at 10:00 and the gain around 2:00... funny thing about the gain though, is moving it ever so slightly right around there changes the gain amount A LOT... so sometimes I nudge higher a tad and sometimes its too much...

Such a finicky amp.

Sounds good, man :kickass:

This is a nice random, but exactly the same set-up, Dylan have mentioned, I use on my JVM, and it´s working phantastic. Presence is malicious!
I got my favorite sound out of the recto when I started to jump the loop. I would just use a 1 ft cable to jumper them, and run the level at max. It changed the sound and make it more "saturated" instead of the fizz....just something to try.

Jump the loop and fiddle around with the fxloop-knob. Around 50% you will get some mid-dip that is sweet.

For those who think the rectifier mode has too much sag, swith the rectifiertubes to JJ GZ34 GZ34. The GZ34 is a nice mix between the rectifier- and silicon setting.
A bit of topic question, I see in my dual that rectifier tubes works also when ther is silicon diode angaged, I have stock tubesin it, how can change the sound if i replace them with better tubes? like gz34??
A bit of topic question, I see in my dual that rectifier tubes works also when ther is silicon diode angaged, I have stock tubesin it, how can change the sound if i replace them with better tubes? like gz34??

You have 4 powertubes (6L6 or EL34) and 2 rectifier tubes in your Dual Recto. In silicon mode the rectifier tubes are bypassed, but they still glow.

Most guitarplayers dont prefer the rectifier mode because they feel the "sag" is too much. Replacing the rectifier tubes (not the powertubes) by GZ34 could solve that problem.
Fo a less metal tone, quite like channel 2 vintage - you have to put the channel volume and the prescence WAY up
I got bored, so I mocked up my live rig signal chain... thing... and I wanted to ask another question...

TS before or after the Wah... or does it matter (in terms of what I'm using the TS for)?


also, I'm thinking about ditching the FCB1010 as I dont really use the expression pedals on it... there some cool pitch things that can be done with it, but I will never use it... Any recommendations?
I got bored, so I mocked up my live rig signal chain... thing... and I wanted to ask another question...

TS before or after the Wah... or does it matter (in terms of what I'm using the TS for)?


also, I'm thinking about ditching the FCB1010 as I dont really use the expression pedals on it... there some cool pitch things that can be done with it, but I will never use it... Any recommendations?

TS after wah is more common because TS before wah is like put your wah on fx loop;)
But it's matter of taste imo
I have an old 2 Ch Recto that I love. I leave the loop on and turn up each channel volume and it seems to help reduce the fizz. Then control for volume with the Loop Active Master.

My settings:

Orange channel for solos:

Vintage mode
Presence: 9:00 to 10:30 depending on guitar
Bass: 10:30
Mid: 9:00 to 9:30
Treble: 2:30
Gain: 2:00

Red Channel for Rhythm:

Presence: Off
Bass: 10:00
Mid: 9:30
Treble: 1:00
Gain: 1:30

I run a tube screamer and always leave it on.
Gain: 9:00
Tone: 9:00 to 11:00 depending on guitar
Volume: 2:00

I run an oversized Recto cab. But if I'm using a different cab, I usually tweak the presence settings depending on how dark or muddy or stuffy (Traditional cab) the other cab is.
TS before or after the Wah... or does it matter (in terms of what I'm using the TS for)?

It doesn't matter one goddamn bit, technically; place it where you think it sounds good.

Think of how they affect the sound: the TS is cutting bass and adding mids. The wah is a variable resonant filter. With the TS before, you're changing the tone of the guitar going into the wah. This will sound different than running the wah before the Tubescreamer in the chain- not inherently worse, just different. Try both and see which you prefer the sound of.

The "right" way is the way your ears tell you sounds better.
About to start recording my album rhythm tracks with this amp dual solo head. My other amp is a 6505+ and I have the mesa slanted cab with V30's. Yet to find a tone. Been trying to ease off the gain but I need the saturation for palm muted stuff as a lot of our songs are 170-180bpm songs. Had the gain set at 5 last night with a Maxon 808 Tube screamer at 0 drive, tone 5 and balance 9 but not enough. Most of the settings are around 12 o' clock. Bass is at about 1 o' clock, presence 12' o clock, trebs same. Channel master at half controlling volume through loop so I can have a separate volume boost for leads when I use the amp live. I'm running an API 512C preamp and an Apogee Duet for the converters. I decided my last guitar tracks were too bitey...too much gain. They were through the 6505+ and a Sovtek Mig 100 using the Maxon. I had the Peavey gain on 6 then and thought adding a screamer with a gain of 6 had wrecked my tracks. The Sovtek sounded wonderfully warm but the eminence speakers in the matching cab sounded crappy...SO I bought the recto. Gonna try to ease off the presence after reading this thread and maybe add gain. Maybe I'm being too cautious...losing that artificial harmonic kind of saturation at the moment. Trying to get that full mids sound I love about Rectos I've heard on In Flames etc. I actually love the guitar sound on "Playground Fading"...I know most people love their early stuff though.
Ended up getting a tone I was happy with. Such a fine line once the gain gets to about 12:30 to 2'0 clock when recording to get not enough or too much gain. The 6505+ was easy to dial in a tone but the Mesa was a challenge....it helped to get down in front of the speaker and really listen to the sound rather than just through monitors.