Dual Thread here/Opeth songs u can play/classical guitarist?

Keep workin on it, Annt.

I have a lot of recorded Opeth stuff from days gone by, but nowhere really to upload most of it.

EDIT: By the way, what was meant by 'classical guitarists'? Does that imply that we went through that arbitrary grading scheme whilst learning guitar? Or that we can play a few Bach 'licks' or what?
I have had lessons, but im not classically trained. Classically trained is insnaely difficult because i cannot use all my fingers for finger picking. And classical training grades are done in finger picking. complex chord changes and site reading with a guitar so fuck that.
Anyway opeth wise i can playyyy......

The leper Affinity( only play the first solo, not the second, havent learnt it yet)
The draperyfalls
Demon of the fall
April ethereal
Baying of the hounds
The Grandconjuration

Nearly learnt

Forest of october
Under the weeping moon
Ghost of perdition
and ive only learnt the master apprentices solo i couldnt be bothered with the rest of the song.
Moonlapse said:
Keep workin on it, Annt.

I have a lot of recorded Opeth stuff from days gone by, but nowhere really to upload most of it.

EDIT: By the way, what was meant by 'classical guitarists'? Does that imply that we went through that arbitrary grading scheme whilst learning guitar? Or that we can play a few Bach 'licks' or what?
well no not really....if you had read all my posts on this thread you would see that I don't mean classically trained......I just mean stuff that.....well I guess sounds classical.....a lot of my original stuff is finger picking stuff, but I wasn't classically trained or anything......so it doesn't have to be actual classically trained guitar riffs, or even covers from classical composers, just stuff that's like acoustic and sounds classical..........
i'm not really in to learning other people's songs, i just enjoy em

I do use stuff by shredders to improve my technical skills
but i can play Leper Affinity, Deliverance and Master's Apprentice :P

I play both classical and electric guitar
oh and to everyone talking about classical riffs...in the context of cliassical guitar it would be called an Ostinato XD
@Affinityband: Actually it's not really as hard as you might think. When you see the crazy 2-hand stuff that people like Adam Fulara do... to actually play BOTH the lead line and the bass line in a baroque piano piece, then you'll realize that there's a whole new apex of guitar playing.

I mean yeah, classically trained does imply that you'll be playing those pieces, playing both the higher and bassier part, but that's just in the form of chord shapes/arpeggios etcetera. This guy actually does legato on the fretting hand and tapping on the picking hand so he's really playing two things at once.

Also about the grading.. I think some of the grading.. here at least, is done with pick. I recall one of my old guitar teachers telling me that learning paganini's 5th caprice as we were, with a pick, was something like 5th or 7th grade level.
I can play a bit from every Opeth song other than EST and ITFOW
Your best bet with tabs is going to 911 tabs, it has most tabs on the entire internet.
Studied classical for two years in college and had to break all sorts of bad rock habits I picked up, but it ended up being good for my playing. My teacher was great, and he ran the recording studio at school, which I ended up working in. At times, it was more like taking lessons from a good friend.

I haven't really tried learning many Opeth songs. I just started to, actually. So far:

Harvest (I can play pretty much every part, I think)
Serenity Painted Death (about half of it... I have a bitch of a time with that lead lick that's like 5 in the time of 6. Anyone know what I'm talking about? I can't even really hear it right... I just sort of fake it on that part)

I plan on learning many more. I find it inspiring to play in ways I would never have considered myself.
what PT songs can you play?

i can fully play:
Blackest Eyes
The Sound Of Muzak
Pure Narcotic
Even Less
Drown With Me
This Is No Rehearsal
Wedding Nails
Hate Song
Feel So Low
Arriving Somewhere But Not Here

PT songs are very fun to play cause most of them you can just sing and play with the guitar... and it still sounds "full".

I think I can or could play all of their songs except those of ghost reveries, but I stopped playing others music....now I am just writing own stuff.
okay, so you need to stop playing others songs to be able to make your own?... i write my own music...and everytime i lack of inspiration i start jamming opeth and pt songs
No I dont need to stop that but I just like it a lot more to write own stuff than playing others. What doesn't mean I don't jamm the stuff I can play to get some inspirations.......I just wanted to say I didn't tab out new stuff for about one or two years........well.......you convinced me, playing others stuff still is a lot of fun :tickled:
I can play:
- To Bid You Farewell
- Harvest
- The Drapery Falls
- parts of Blackwater Park
- parts of A Fair Judgement
- parts of In My Time Of Need

Wanna learn Advent. Hell, I wanna learn all of them, but my fingerpicking sucks. At least I can do the octave chords now.
Actually it's not really as hard as you might think. When you see the crazy 2-hand stuff that people like Adam Fulara do... to actually play BOTH the lead line and the bass line in a baroque piano piece, then you'll realize that there's a whole new apex of guitar playing.

Yea thats what the training grades are like here, my old guitar teacher had a phd in music and he was a grade 8 classical guitarist, so he wasnt the most advanced compared to his normal sort of guitar playin. You are pretty much playing what a piano would play in quintet, trio etc etc. This is why i never bothered. Some people are naturally good it. I wasnt, so i stuck to a plectrum.
I'm studying classical and electric guitar right now in college and plan on going to university in interpretation(classical) or composotion, film scores...

I can play
demon of the fall
master's apprentices
fair judgement
the leper affinity
blackwater park
the drapery falls
moonlapse vertigo
serenity painted death
april ethereal
parts of morningrise and orchid and other songs
everything from damnation
Full songs I can play:
Blackwater Park
The Drapery Falls
Master's Apprentices
Dirge for November
The Leper Affinity
Baying of the Hounds
Beneath the Mire
The Grand Conjuration
The Moor
And all of Damnation

that's all I've bothered to learn

the only classical thing I can play is most of Classical Gas by Mason Williams, it's really hard, but I know like 90% of it
Not exactly sure what you're talking about when you say classical.
I'm assuming neo-classical electric.
I am a Classical guitarist in the sense that I play an acoustic nylon string guitar and have my nails grown long.