dumb names of beers

Hah. In the northern part of Norway, they have a beer called "Mack". This is a word quite similar to a word that means "Shite". But it's okay, 'cause the beer tastes like it, too. Shite, that is.
I don't know any dumb names of beer off the top of my head, but a few cool ones are; Old Leghumper, Arrogant Bastard Ale, Skullcrusher, and Monty Python's Holy Ail. lol!!!!!
probably this one, very controversial in Utah, home of the Mormon religion.
Though it´s one of my favorite beers the Carlsberg "Elephant" is stupid named, even though there´s a reason for it...

Also on Margarita in 40 degrees there´s a beer named "Polar"..
Even though it is some of the best beer ever:

Manneke Pis - which literally means "mannikan piss" in Belgian.

There's a legend there about a little boy who pissed out a fire in one of the cities there, so he is remembered as a national hero - and has a beer named for him.

Great beer, though! :cheers:
Well, there was....

Zingu... the blackest lager ever....
EKU.... The elephant crap with high alcohol content...
Hair of the Dog Fred...
Pale Tail Ale...

Who the fuck would dring Schlitz or Colt 45.... :lol:

BTW, I don't drink. :p
Originally posted by Torgoth
Holy Grail. Tempered over burning witches. Best before end.;) That isn't stupid name. But that beer isn't good.

No, it's grail with the "gr" crossed over. But the beer really isn't that good.

After reading this thread I now have to find a person who will buy and send me a bottle of Arrogant Bastard Ale. I have to get that. :lol: