Dumping the Redeye 3D, Recommend A Replacement


Führendes Mitglied
Dec 14, 2013
After having this thing for a couple years and reading the posts from people who are having the same issues with their Redeye as I am, I've decided to dump it.

One thing I really liked was the convenience of it be a simultaneous di/re-amp box all in one.

That said, could you guys recommend me a great DI box and re-amping box. I will use it to record mainly passive and active guitars/basses.

Thanks, guys.
What issues are you having?

I use it to record passive guitars most of the time, so I use the active buffered instrument input with phantom power into my Steinberg UR28M interface for DIs. I make sure that my DI level going into Cubase 7 is peaking around -3db on the DAW's meter.

However, the problem arises when I go to re-amp. I'm coming out of the UR28M into the Redeye and into my Axe-Fx II. The signal is so low that I have to turn my "instrument in" up to 100% on the Axe-Fx to get it to tickle the reds on the input meter (which is what's supposed to happen). Compared to when I'm using the thru of the Redeye (not in re-amp mode) into the Axe-Fx and the "instrument in" is set around 35% and I'm tickling the reds on the input meter.

I have the level knob turned all the way up on the Redeye. I haven't fooled with the "re-amp overdrive" button because I don't want to introduce distortion onto my DI. I know that it just increases the level by 10db, but I've always just stayed away from using that button, maybe that could be my cure.

One last thing.

Compared to re-amping my own DIs versus some of Ola Englund's that he's shared on here before, I notice a huge difference in top-end clarity. Not sure if the Redeye is shaving off some top-end of my DI (which I've read it doing that) or what?

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Your interface's output will have a reference level relative to dBFS, which is different between different interfaces. Since there isn't a standard, output levels WILL differ. As you say, you don't get enough signal when reamping, but you don't want to engage the built in boost? Why not?

Another thing you can do is to run your output signal into a line-level input (on a mixer or a preamp) before the Redeye to bring it to the same level as when going straight through. But try the boost first.

As a side note, I have some Countryman 85s and a Radial J48 but I almost exclusively work with my Redeye 3D. I used to have a Radial X-AMP for reamping but I had to modify it to bring it even close to a proper level (again, depending on the output interface). The Redeye 3D is WAY better.
Reading all that hassle about reamping boxes, doesn't make me wanna get one at all. I just use my Palmer DI in reverse, engage the -30db switch and set the gain with the output fader in the DAW.
Yeah was going to say try a shorter good quality cable first for the DI.

Also, you could experiment with the Axe FX as DI to see how it compares to the Redeye. You've got two options I think - either split a signal L/R in the Axe and send one as amp and one as dry guitar, or you can set one of the sets of outputs to 'echo input' or something like that, I think in the I/O menu (it will just send dry guitars out of the output you select, volume controlled by corresponding volume control on front of Axe).

For reamping I have the Palmer Daccapo, it seems to work fine.
I had the exact problem you are having with a radial x-amp.
To make matters worse, you are probably overloading the DA of your interface to try and get level to the reamp box.
I 100% recommend the Palmer Daccapo.
Levels are perfect on it. You can send a -6db level to it and have plenty of movement up or down on the level control from there and it will have the same level as plugging the guitar into the amp.
I'm not discrediting any of the recommendations here, but DO try the Reamp Overdrive button before anything else, and if it's too hot just bring it down in your DAW to compensate. You have an issue, your unit has a function that works to your benefit but you're currently not using it. There are better things to spend money on than things you don't need.

BTW, the level dial is an attenuator only, so keeping this at max is what's advised unless it's overloading your amp input. So you're on the right track there.
Your interface's output will have a reference level relative to dBFS, which is different between different interfaces. Since there isn't a standard, output levels WILL differ. As you say, you don't get enough signal when reamping, but you don't want to engage the built in boost? Why not?

My Steinberg UR28M's maximum output level is +16 dBu. Later today, I'm going to try and do some re-amping with the overdrive button engaged and see how it works on distorted and clean amp settings.
make sure to use the shortest length and highest quality guitar-cables with passive pickups (low capacitance). cheap long cables shifts the resonant-peak of the pickup downwards => dull sound.

When I'm the one recording guitar, I do it at my desk with a 4 foot Canare GS-6 cable into the Redeye.

From the Redeye "mic level out", I'm using a 6 foot Canare L-4E6S Star Quad mic cable into the UR28M audio interface.
Aside from the re-amp volume issue, the other problem that bothers me is the top-end of my DIs. As previously mentioned about Ola's DIs, maybe his Apogee Quartet has better A to D conversion than my UR28M. I don't know, I'm just guessing. Could also be that he recorded his DIs with actives versus my DIs are recorded with passives. Lots of variables.
Aside from the re-amp volume issue, the other problem that bothers me is the top-end of my DIs. As previously mentioned about Ola's DIs, maybe his Apogee Quartet has better A to D conversion than my UR28M. I don't know, I'm just guessing. Could also be that he recorded his DIs with actives versus my DIs are recorded with passives. Lots of variables.

Could very well be your instrument, yes. If you can, try some different guitars, or borrow some other DIs and see if you notice any difference.
Could very well be your instrument, yes. If you can, try some different guitars, or borrow some other DIs and see if you notice any difference.
Oh, I have no shortage of guitars. I've noticed the same thing on all of them. I will try some different DIs though from others.
My Steinberg UR28M's maximum output level is +16 dBu. Later today, I'm going to try and do some re-amping with the overdrive button engaged and see how it works on distorted and clean amp settings.

See, all this time I was an idiot and thought that the "overdrive" button worked like an overdrive pedal of some sort. One thing that also lead me to believe this was something Jonathan Little said: "Metal-heads will love this." Anyway, I just figured that I'd give it a shot before selling it and I'm glad I did. It basically just boost the signal by 10 db. It adds no coloration or noise either. I'm very happy now.

Now if only my DIs could sound like Ola's. :bah: