Dutch/Belgium Thread

Deadly said:
^^People from the Netherlands don't speak flemish, dear.
Only Belgians do, actually only the 'Flemish' ones, get it?? :p

well considering it says "Dutch/Belgium Thread"

i was assuming i'd get answers from both countries :heh:
ingrid said:
Flemish sounds really funny :lol: I've got a couple of friends in Belgium, sometimes I really can't understand them
they talk weird :lol:

no offence verder naar jullie hoor ;) :p

don't worry, it's a common thing, the dutchies at wacken also didn't understand a thing of what we were saying :p
ingrid said:
Flemish sounds really funny :lol: I've got a couple of friends in Belgium, sometimes I really can't understand them
they talk weird :lol:

no offence verder naar jullie hoor ;) :p

:OMG: *hoest* OMG, jullie zijn ier de 'onverstaanbare', zene. Het zouden 2 verschillende talen moete genoemd worde, als j t mij vraagt.