DUTCH Metal!


Language enthusiast
May 7, 2002
Utrecht, Netherlands
Well, there's a Polish and an Irish thread, all that's lacking is Dutch one! Use this thread to discover and discuss Dutch Metal bands! Here's some bands:
  • AFTER FOREVER (Gothic Metal, great stuff!)
  • THE GATHERING (Well, you know them...)
  • ORPHANAGE (Diverse Doom/Death Metal with lots of variation and dynamics)
  • DETONATION (Aggressive and melodic Death/Thrash like At The Gates, Death, Dark Tranquillity etc. Listen to their songs here)
  • WITHIN TEMPTATION (Best known and most popular Gotchic Metal band from Holland)
  • VIRULENT (Brutal & Occult Death Metal like Vader/ Morbid Angel/ Krisiun, excellent young band! Listen to their songs here)
  • WHISPERING GALLERY (Melodic and Emotional Doom Metal, listen to their songs here)
  • ISCARIOT (Blackened Metal, listen to their songs here)
  • PLEURISY (Brutal melodic Death/Thrash, great band! Listen to their songs here)
  • GOD DETHRONED (Well, what do you expect with that bandname, Desecrating, melodic, Blackened Death/Thrash, great band! Listen to a song here)
  • SEVERE TORTURE (Brutal Gore Death Metal like Cannibal Corpse)
  • PYAEMIA (Brutal Death/Grind, album out on Unique Leader)
  • DISAVOWED (Brutal Gore Death Metal, also album out on Unique Leader)
  • SINISTER (Brutal Death Metal, released several albums on Nuclear Blast)
  • HOUWITSER (Brutal Death Metal, signed to Osmose)
  • MANGLED (Brutal Death Metal, album out on Hammerheart)
  • THANATOS (Old Dutch Death Metal, latest album out on Hammerheart)
  • IMBOLC (Aggressive Death/Thrash)
  • ORDO DRACONIS (Symphonic Black Metal, album out on Skaldic Art Recs. Listen to their songs here)
  • CALLENISH CIRCLE (Melodic Death/Thrash, album out on Metal Blade)
  • ALTAR (Aggressive Death Metal, split up, but recently resurrected!)
Dutch progressive Metallers SUN CAGED have their forum here at UM! Check them out.

That should be enough for you to get your teeth into for a while, now :headbang: on!!
I've heard about some other bands from the list above though.
well, my fav. Dutch band is mighty PHLEBOTOMIZED. they recorded 2 albums, 1 MCD and 2 demos and one 7'. i remember when i got their second demo "Devoted To God" in 1992. man... it was something new, diffrent... brutal death metal with very low growling and lots keys parts. sometimes slow, sometimes fuckin' fast. as i remember Terrorized choose "Devoted" the best demo '92.
then they signed contract with MMI records and released "In Search of Tranquility" 7'. to sad i don't have this stuff, because i hate vinyls. one year later they recorded MCD called "Preach Eternal Gospels". almost 30 minutes great music, but i must say that production is bad :(
in 1994 they signed new contract with Cyber music and released fantastic debut "Immense Intense Suspense". it was what i need. brutal as fuck low guitars, drums and deep growls + orginal keys and violins parts + melancholy acustic guitars and clean vocals... style? arghhh... maybe grindcore/doom/death? yeah, it sounds good ;)
2 years later they recorded second and the last album "Skycontact". hard to say what exactly is this album, because they recorded something unique on metal scene. keys taken priority, more is clean vocals, electronics parts and acustic guitars... and lyrics like "I Lost my Cookies in the Disco"... imo in the year 2000 ppl could accept their music, but not in 1996. "Skycontact" was to modern for fans. it was one of reason why PHLEB split-up. second was poor distribution i think... anyway... for me "Skycontact" is their the best album and one of the best album ever... check this band or die motherfuckers!!!

other Dutch band i like: GOREFEST, Altar, Sinister, Callenish Circle, Thanatos, God Dethroned, Pestilence, Severe Torture, old The Gathering, Solarsis, Centurian and of course great DETONATION :lol:
Originally posted by TheEmperor
I've heard about some other bands from the list above though.
Well, lots of new bands to check out then eh?? :D

@Eldzik, check out Virulent & Pleurisy and let me know what you think, Pleurisy is quite melodic stuff with an unmistakable Swedish touch, you should like it. They just recorded a new album, they now have the Orphanage vocalist on vox. Virulent is good Morbid Angel Death Metal.
Originally posted by MadTinus

@Eldzik, check out Virulent & Pleurisy and let me know what you think, Pleurisy is quite melodic stuff with an unmistakable Swedish touch, you should like it. They just recorded a new album, they now have the Orphanage vocalist on vox. Virulent is good Morbid Angel Death Metal.

oki, i will check at monday, when i'll be at work. at now, Martex with my little help doing interviews, so we're a little busy... btw: Martex did interviews with Dutch Rockezine (http://www.rockezine.net). of course she said "hail to DETONATION!" :D i let you know when interview will be published ;)
ok, i just spin once Virulent & Pleurisy.
Virulent - very brutal, i hear Morbid Angel and Krisiun and... Sarcofago??? what you think about Virulent and Sarcofago? it possible? or i'm deaf?

Pleurisy - it great band!!! more swedish - heheh. fast, furious, mad... ok, i go check their site ;)
Originally posted by Eldzik
ok, i just spin once Virulent & Pleurisy.
Virulent - very brutal, i hear Morbid Angel and Krisiun and... Sarcofago??? what you think about Virulent and Sarcofago? it possible? or i'm deaf?

Pleurisy - it great band!!! more swedish - heheh. fast, furious, mad... ok, i go check their site ;)
:D Glad you like Pleurisy, they have been around already for a long time, but somehow never got the attention they deserved, a bit like Dead Head (you know them?). Maybe you should propose a CD-trade with Pleurisy too?? :D

Virulent & Sarcofago? I have some Sarcofago on tape somewhere, or at least had... Anyway, I haven't listened to it in a looong time, so I can't tell really :). I do know Virulent sound primarily like Morbid Angel, Vader, Angel Corpse, Krisiun, Immolation etc. Those bands are their main influences.
Originally posted by Darkenelf
Martijn as well hahaha

Kom wel regelmatig in "de pit" (utrecht) (werken 3 achter de bar die ik ken) , boothill saloon (utrecht)
(stairway soms)
Ha, funny coincidence! I also regularly go to the Pit, Boothill and Stairway (was there last Friday), but from this info I can't really think of anyone I know who might be you...

I am the brother of the drummer in Detonation (the guy on the right on the banner in my signature), you can see a picture of me here.
Originally posted by Darkenelf
you have a nice cd-collection btw!!
Thanks, I checked your list too and noticed we have a lot of titles in common! Funny, we come from the same place (almost), have the same name, have a similar taste in music and we hardly know eachother! :D

I have just updated my list again, though it still isn't entirely finished, there are at least another 160 CD's to add... :)

BTW, I saw you own Detonation's "Lost Euphoria" MCD, cool! They released a 3-song promo CD last year, you can download it for free from their website in high quality 192 kbps mp3's, check it out!

Last Sunday they finished the mixing of their debut full-length CD at Excess studios, Rotterdam. It will be sent to the printers tomorrow (Thursday) and the CD should be available in about 2 weeks. A song off the album has been uploaded on MP3.com, but it will take a few days before it will be available for stream/download there, but keep checking www.mp3.com/detonation and you'll notice soon enough when the song's available. Attend one of their coming gigs if you can!

Coming DETONATION gigs:
- Sat. 19 oktober, Babylon, Woerden (presentation of their new CD "An Epic Defiance", supports Blood Red Angel & Mortal Form)
- Sat. 26 oktober, Phanta Rei, Vlissingen (met Hope Springs Infernal)
- Sat. 2 november, So What!, Ede (met M-90's)
- Fri. 8 november, Zaal Schoonveld, Vught (met M-90's)
- Sun. 24 november, U-pop festival, somewhere in Utrecht (venue to be announced)
- 14 december, Koornbeurs, Delft