DVD filming in Germany?

Kvlt Wench

sews no mercy
Jun 23, 2003
San Francisco
NEVERMORE's September 12, 2006 concert at the Zeche club in Bochum, Germany will be filmed for the band's first-ever DVD, tentatively due in early 2007. The Seattle-based metallers will play a set of about two hours, featuring material spanning their 11-year career. The result will be the main part of their forthcoming home DVD, captured by a seven-camera team, with live recordings (in 5.1 Surround Sound) handled by producer Andy Sneap, who produced the band's latest album, "This Godless Endeavor". The planned double-DVD set will also contain a full NEVERMORE documentary, live footage from throughout the band's career, all of their promotional videos and more extras. Only 666 tickets will be available for the Bochum show. Pre-orders can be made at www.metaltix.com or www.konticket.de for only 15 euros plus a service charge.

NEVERMORE announced last week that they would be filming their August 25, 2006 performance at the Studio Seven in Seattle, Washington for the upcoming DVD. It is not presently clear if those plans have now been scrapped.

NEVERMORE guitarist Steve Smyth (ex-TESTAMENT) was diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure last fall, the result of a congenital birth defect. JAG PANZER guitarist Chris Broderick filled in for Smyth on all European festival dates, just as he has done on the band's recent U.S. tour.

NEVERMORE's bass player and one of the founding members Jim Sheppard recently underwent a minor procedure for Crohn's Disease, a condition he's managed for over 15 years. Unable to perform with the band during the first part of their recent tour with IN FLAMES, Sheppard was temporarily replaced by longtime friend James MacDonough (ex-MEGADETH, ICED EARTH).

NEVERMORE will be supporting DISTURBED across Europe this fall. After their touring activity the band will be taking time off to write the follow-up to last year's critically acclaimed album "This Godless Endeavor".

As previously reported, NEVERMORE frontman Warrel Dane is collaborating with former SOILWORK guitarist Peter Wichers on material for Dane's first solo album. The CD is expected to include an appearance by Warrel's former SANCTUARY (pre-NEVERMORE) bandmate Dave Budbill (currently in ZEROCREEP) on drums. No information is presently available regarding the album's musical direction or possible release date.

What happened to Seattle, hmm?
NEVERMORE to record extended performance as main show for upcoming DVD
Nevermore, Continental Concerts and Century Media Records are proud to announce a special show for the first ever Nevermore DVD. The gig will take place at the Zeche club in Bochum (www.zeche.com), Germany on September 12th, 2006. Seattle’s finest will play a set of about 2 hours, with material spanning their 11-year career. The result will be the main part of their forthcoming home DVD, captured by a 7-camera team, with live recordings handled by producer Andy Sneap, who recorded their latest album "This Godless Endeavor", who will also record true 5.1 Surround sound. The planned double-DVD set will also feature a full Nevermore documentary, live footage from throughout their career, all the band's promo videos and even more extras. The release is planned for early 2007.

Please note that only 666 tickets will be available for the DVD recording show. So don't delay, pre-order at www.metaltix.com or www.konticket.de for only 15 Euro + service charge, as this is an event any NEVERMORE fan will not want to miss!

Two days later, Nevermore will begin supporting DISTURBED on their European tour, as well as playing some of the top Summer metal festivals before.

that`s from the nm-hp
the main cro site is writing about it too. :D

28. lipanj NEVERMORE - pocinju snimati DVD
Njemacki nastup Nevermorea zakazan za 12. rujna ove godine biti ce sniman za prvi DVD Nevermorea, koji bi svjetlo dana trebao ugledati ranije 2007. godine. Koncert ce se sastojati od otprilike dva sata svirke, tj. presjeka njihove 11-godisnje karijere. Taj koncert bit ce glavni dio DVDa , sniman sa sedam kamera, dok ce se za live snimke pobrinuti Andy Sneap, koji je takodjer producirao njihov zadnji album “This Godless Endeavor”. Planira se izdavanje duplog DVD seta na kojem ce se jos naci i dokumentarac o bendu, materijali sa dosadasnjih koncerata, svi spotovi i jos puno extra materijala. Samo 666 ulaznica bit ce u prodaji za taj rujanski nastup u njemackom gradu Bochumu. Mozete ih vec sada naruciti na ovim stranicama http:// www.metaltix.com ili www.konticket.de po cijeni od samo 15 eura. Inace, ove jeseni Nevermore ce biti support na europskoj turneji Disturbeda.

says that the concert in Germany will be the main part of the DVD, that it will be a double DVD with a documentary about the band, materials from the past shows, all videos and tons of extra material.
propagandahar... :goggly: