

New Metal Member
Sep 20, 2004
i havent got m Fate of norns Cd yet,and i was wondering what songs are played live in the DVD...
death in fire, masters of war, the sound of height hooves (i think), north sea storm, for the stabwounds in our backs, huuuummmm and i kinda forgot the rest.. well they play the classics :p
Death in Fire
The Last With Pagan Blood
Masters of War
For the Stabwounds in our Backs
The sound of eight Hooves
VS the World
Victorious March

Thats the correct Tracklist I think :)
cant dl from that guys site.
he says in his little temper tantrum on the new that you gotta right click and save target as... but this stupid asshole has anti highlight and anti right click on his site. and teh normal stream itself isnt working either. so... fuck him =\
Uh...I'm downloading it now, if you click on it normaly it should come up with "Download counter" or somethng, thats where I got it from.
Tomasz said:
It wasn't working yesterday, it is today. Where can one get the whole set recorded?

As in the whole Wacken set? I dont know if there are any recordings to get, but hell, it would be damn cool to get it
Tomasz said:
Somebody has got to have it as the cameras seemed to be rolling throughout the whole set.

True...but the people who organize Wacken have the rights to the videos taken at the festival..most of the times parts of shows turm up at new DVD's of the festival...'the Wacken metal overdrive' and others..

also the Wacken newsletter rambled something about live coverage on German tv..except I forgot which channel it was....
Any of you German guys know anything about this ??
The song on hpdvidz is ripped from the viva show. It is pursuit of the vikings, mislabeled as Valkyries ride. I hope they can put the whole gig out on a dvd some day.
as i worked for the wacken internet tv stream, the rights either belong to wacken open air, their record company or AA or the "movie company", so i dunno who got the rights and so on...fkkkn business! usually they allow AA to use the material for a dvd etc. if they a re allowed to use one(to a lot of) song(s) for their dvd.
and even i would get their whole show, i wouldnt publish it, due to all the business shit....
crom aka boris said:
as i worked for the wacken internet tv stream, the rights either belong to wacken open air, their record company or AA or the "movie company", so i dunno who got the rights and so on...fkkkn business! usually they allow AA to use the material for a dvd etc. if they a re allowed to use one(to a lot of) song(s) for their dvd.
and even i would get their whole show, i wouldnt publish it, due to all the business shit....

Thats what I meant...thanks for helping out a bit :)
TheOnlyDecay said:
Death in Fire
The Last With Pagan Blood
Masters of War
For the Stabwounds in our Backs
The sound of eight Hooves
VS the World
Victorious March

Thats the correct Tracklist I think :)

Nice tracklist there I've wanted this album for ages now but when I went to the store where I get metal from they had sold out all of AA's stuff and that it would be a couple of weeks before they got any of their stuff back in, needless to say I was pissed off, so i ended up buying twillight of the gods by bathory