Dynazty: Renatus is my most played disc of the year

Although I've yet to hear anything from their previous works (can't play YT at work), it would be awesome if they did a special one off where they played Renatus in it's entirety.

[Cough] PerhapsSomeoneCouldSuggestThatToTheBand [/EndCough]

I figured that would be the case, kinda like Need this year with Orvam.
I like Renatus but I will be pretty bummed if they don't play anything from Sultans of Sin, esp. the title track. That was my favorite song that year. It just kicks all kinds of ass.
Renatus has the absolute best and catchiest choruses/hooks of the year. I've had the album for months, and even if I haven't listened to it repeatedly on a daily basis, I remember every single chorus.

The best part? Album keeps on growing more and more on me. I think it'll end up as a top 5 of the year, for sure!
Got Renatus in the mail today. Had not listened to them before the PP XVI announcement video. After 2 spins I am completely floored. This is amazing. Will need a few more listens to cement my opinion of this, but I am now really looking forward to seeing them! :kickass:
Renatus has the absolute best and catchiest choruses/hooks of the year. I've had the album for months, and even if I haven't listened to it repeatedly on a daily basis, I remember every single chorus.

The best part? Album keeps on growing more and more on me. I think it'll end up as a top 5 of the year, for sure!

The album is good but gets tiresome after a while. It needs some diversity not just this racing all the time.

I completely agree. After a while, one great song after another just gets exhausting. It's like, "OK. We get it. You can write a flawless album. But can you write something that sounds completely rehashed and half-assed, like the new Priest?" :loco:

It's not flawless. It sounds like 5 guys trying to fit into one stall after eating a spoiled taco.
Guys, where did this band come from and how had I not heard of them? Renatus is top notch stuff and it's caught me off guard. Killer!
Although I've yet to hear anything from their previous works (can't play YT at work), it would be awesome if they did a special one off where they played Renatus in it's entirety.

[Cough] PerhapsSomeoneCouldSuggestThatToTheBand [/EndCough]

I completely agree. After a while, one great song after another just gets exhausting. It's like, "OK. We get it. You can write a flawless album. But can you write something that sounds completely rehashed and half-assed, like the new Priest?" :loco:

For me it's flawless. I love every song on there. But as always, all music is completely subjective. To each their own.

Like I said its not a bad album. If anything, it's nice to hear a 2014 version of Athletic Rock.

As for knocking Priest? Dynazty will never have their success. :) Low to mid tier until the inevitable breakup.
I've never actually experienced a band like this where I'm totally and completely disinterested and unimpressed with their back catalog and then they go and blow my head off with one release. It's like they were holding back all these years.

That's because they changed up their sound quite a bit. The further back in their catalog you go, the more 80's metal they sound. Some of the songs from those discs would be right at home on Sunset Strip circa 1986. Take 'Wild Nights' from 'Knock You Down'. That could easily have been written by Motley Crue in their prime. With the release of 'Sultans of Sin' they took a sideways step away from that sound. With 'Renatus' they have shed that sound almost completely.

Me? I've loved this band for a long time. So 'Renatus' was a shock to the system for me. Too different from their older material. In fact, I didn't care for it at first. But I revisited it some time later and now I love it. Funny the difference perspective makes.