e-felate Weakling...

The Grimace

New Metal Member
Oct 21, 2004
North of the Valley, South of the Hills
I'm just today starting to absorb Dead As Dreams by Weakling. It's, like, wow. Seriously. Everyone tell everyone else how much you love Weakling, then tell me what other bands the members are in or whatever else there is to listen to since I guess this is their only album. Which is sad. :(
Dead as Dreams is one of my favorite albums of all time, and by far one of the most monumentaly epic releases I can name. Fuck the naysayers, this is magnificent stuff.
Yeah, Dead as Dreams is pretty much like being brought to the center of a World War I battlefield. One of the best depictions of war I've ever heard, cuz for the most part it screws all the romatic idealism and goes striaght for the brutal truth about war, its dark, scary and horrid. The title track is interesting in this sense as it starts out overly grandois and dramatic (just like someones idealistic dreams of what war is) before being broken down into a bleak reality. Hence "Dead as Dreams", or at least thats how I see it. "This Entire Fucking Battlefield" is seriously one of the most awesome songs I've heard in the past few years.... seriously, it's just brillant. Ok I've fellated enough...
im going to buy it, i only have the mp3's on my comp - its beautiful
although i wasnt too fond of the rippoff varg voice at first
John (me) is currently in Asunder playing doom stuff.
www.asunder.info or http://www.asunder.info/sounds/01-Twilight_Amaranthine.mp3 for a sample

John and Sarah (switched to drums here) playing in The Gault doing a mix of 80's death rock/scandinavian doom type stuff for a few years, the album is soon to be co-released by Flood The Earth (US) and Amortout (europe) http://www.amortout.com/
here is a sample http://www.angelfire.com/realm3/floodtheearth/TheGault-Obliscence.mp3

Sarah and the bassist of the gault moved on to Amber Asylum

Drummer Little Sunshine is now known as Blood Eagle. He played in a band called Sangre Amado who have a few hard to find cd releases and played death metal.
He currently is doing a band called Saros http://www.saros-metal.org/

Keyboardist Casey Ward played drums in group called the Lies who released at least one album and played music sort of in the vein of Joy Division, they have also disbanded.

Josh Smith played in The Fucking Champs prior to and after Weaklings existence, but he quit the band a year or two ago. For a while he played in a hard rock group Drunk Horse but i think he quit before he recorded anything with them more info at http://www.thefuckingchamps.com/

Finally, I have been working with a drummer for a while playing black and doom stuff which eventually will be recorded, but who knows when. It sounds like a mix between weakling and the gault I guess but at this point it is so imcomplete it could end up completely different. If you are still interested in a few years, you will get to hear it then i suppose.