Rarest cd you purchased from a record store.

They have that Sacramentum release at Century Media, actually. CM aren't very reliable though, so I hear. I wouldn't be surprised if they're sold out of it and never took the page down in order to steal the money of unsuspecting buyers.The other two I can get at either Moribundcult or Hellsheadbangers.
dISEMBOWELMENT - Transcendence into the Peripheral for $1.99

that is the last one i remember. i have gotten my share though because there are a lot of good stores that support the underground over here. I found a lot of my other stuff on ebay too but usually pay for it.
I found the Quorthon Purity of Essence 2cd for $3.99 (I don't know if this is rare), and the Nuclear Blast 100 compilation from 1993 for $5.99. Several of the bands on the NB cd aren't even on metal archives.
Snowblind said:
It's the cd bootleg. The owners of the shop must know of the rarity of these items. They're going for about $25 each! I'll probably just buy them from the internet.

www.hellsheadbangers.com They've had the bootleg of Blut Und Krieg listed a couple of times(along with some other Moonblood albums), but their rarer items usually go out of stock very quickly. Plus, I think it's only $13 or something.
Ulver's "Silencing the Singing" ep limited to 3000 copies and an original copy of Venom's "Welcome to Hell" on vinyl.
well i live in wyoming... so music stores are out of the question i gotta order it off the internet... but i have 300 and more cd's right now... and i think the rarest one i have is probably the between the buried and me's first album *self titles.... and not that fucking bullshit re-release... this is the actual underground album before they even became noticed on there release Silent Circus..... hmm what else..... eh fuck me its probably not all that great but thats the rarest i have... teaches me for living in wyoming this place has nothing! WAH!!!!