OT: weird things when you purchase a CD


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Something happened to me today with a CD that arrived and I wanted to see how many weird experiences people had buying CDs.

My first was buying a Motorhead album ('Bomber') on my first trip to USA (1992). When I finally reached home (Costa Rica) and played the first track begun to jump like crazy, the album came scratched from factory. Sadly I discovered it far from home. It happened twice more in my life, the second time I could return it and the third time was a purchase from Argentina and the seller offered me to send another one for free, but was Christmas time and never arrived (got to bought it again from another seller later :( )

My second was buying a CD in the time when they still came inside cardboard boxes, I was bought Suicidal Tendencies HWILTWICEST and when I opened the box there was only and empty jewel case inside: no CD, booklet or inserts. The store that sold me the album knew me and they exchange it. Since then everytime I buy locally I open the CD case before leaving the store.

My third was buying Cathedral "Forest Of Equilibrium" album, I ordered it locally through a store and it came scratched (but the laser play it fine) and the booklet missed all central pages. Years later I bought it again to have it complete.

My fourth was buying ELP "Pictures At An Exhibition", the booklet has the right cover and back cover but inside comes the lyrics and pics from "Brain Salad Surgery", I bet it's quite a collectors rarity :Smokedev:

My fifth was today, I received my copy of Stormhammer new album and the jewel case came with two booklets, two identical booklets :goggly:. So if anyone buy the that CD and don't have the booklet PM me :lol:.

What are your stories?
Went to see Symphony X with a friend of mine, and this was his first time hearing the band. This was the same show I ended up in the ER the next day due to some a-hole moshing during "The Odyssey"(!!!???), and cheap shotting me (I was uninvolved in the moshing festivities). Anyway, after the set, he buys a Paradise Lost cd, and while we're driving home, he decides he wants to open it, and check it out. Well, not only was there no booklet, there was NO cd in the digipack, which was factory sealed when he bought it. Even though I do some online work for the band, it was a PITA getting it taken care of. Kudos to friend, & Symphony X merch guy Glenn for getting it straightened out eventually. I HIGHLY reccommend checking your purchases immediately, especially if you buy a cd or dvd from the band at the show.
I was in Toronto about 5-6 years at Sam the Record Man (a huge CD store there) and I was checking out Dream Theater CDs. I picked up Images and Words noticing I paid about $5 more when I bought it. I heard a voice over my shoulder "hey man, that's a pretty good CD." I turn around and who appears but fucking JAMES LEBRIE! Took me a couple seconds to recognize him (I had just watched him on the Queensryche Art of Live DVD a couple of days before - otherwise I dunno if I would have recognized him).

Spent about 20 minutes after talking with him. Really cool guy.
Holy crap, Wyvern, those are some stories! Fortunately I've only had one incident of a damaged CD, that one being Def Leppard's Pyromania, which the store replaced immediately.
Instead I will tell a story told by MTV host Ricky Rachtman back when he hosted Headbangers Ball, he told this story on the show. It seems he had bought an Iron Maiden CD and inside was Roy Orbison's Greates Hits Vol. 2! He did say that he thought Roy Orbison was cool, but still.
I can't remember specifics on most, but I've had a few things like that happen to me:

- a few double booklets, for sure.

- I think one instance where the cd inside was completely wrong

- and one where the cd had a completely different album on it than what I thought I had purchased. I think it was Piece of Mind, but when I put it in, it was some Paul McCartney album that played. LOL

- oh yeah, when I bought one of the Kisstory DVD's a few years back, there was either a cd missing, or I had 2 of the same disc...and had to exchange it.
I got Uli Jon Roth's Firewind album and it had two booklets.

I have my families original separate sony CD player from the 80s as well as my own newer one. Anyway that one will play only some CDs and always, seemingly ones that are from a continuation of a pressing that started in the 80s, but not new stuff or remasters.
#1:Buying some cd's where the dipstick cashier put the wrong cd's in IE: Ram it down in the new dream theater cd and vice versa.
#2: buying a 2 cd album where the holdings were broken off (those plastic things that hold a cd tight in the case)
#3 Getting weird looks over my shoulder from people when buying cd's and getting called for a heathen long haired trash by those black book believers(right about the heathen but i certainly don't have long hair :D )
Everything I've ever ordered has arrived in perfect condidtion. Knock on wood! :)
#2: buying a 2 cd album where the holdings were broken off (those plastic things that hold a cd tight in the case)

Being there too, not to mention the many digipacks with broken centers :mad:. That's why I prefer jewel cases anyday (although in Argentina they make some neat digipacks which center is a hard rubber piece that holds the CD tightly and at the same time never broke like the plastic ones).

BTW, love your Tyr quote on your sig :rock:

@ Delize: Go ahead rub that on us
I've only had one funny purchase up to now...
It was good 15 years ago, I bought Deep Purple's "Who Do We Think We Are" CD and when I came home I started listening to it... Around the 3rd song it started skipping big time and I decided to take a look at the surface. What I've found there was a big black spot, as if someone dropped a bit of tar on the CD?!? Of course the store couldn't believe their eyes and they gave me another one...