Rarest cd you purchased from a record store.

Erik said:
Hm, they've released the Burzum albums AGAIN though, in slipcases this time I think, so the Digipak issues may be getting a tad scarce.
When was this?
Dunno, a couple of months ago... Let me dig up a pic or two...



Apparently these are Brazilian reissues of some sort. Not bootlegs, though.
AWMM said:
Last week I found a new copy of Weakling "Dead as Dreams".
I see that pretty often, actually.
P.S Both aforementioned events occured at two different amoeba outlets.
...at Amoeba. Yeah. The SF store rules.

Found Vio-Lence's Eternal Nightmare there for $5. Also picked up Sadus's Swallowed In Black at the same store for 7-8 bucks or so.
Don't know if this counts, but I bought an original copy of Burzum - Aske on vinyl from an employee at the local record store here where I live for 5 bucks. I sould it to some dude from Russia on ebay for 200 bucks a few months back though.
I found The Chasm's Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph used for $5 at a record store about half a year ago. That CD was released on a very small label and is long out of print, so I was extremely surprised to have found it.
Pyrus said:
I see that pretty often, actually.
...at Amoeba. Yeah. The SF store rules.

Yea that's where I got the copy, at the SF Store (so I guess you won't be seeing it anymore my good man.)

P.S The Hollywood one is even bigger. (2 floors) ;)
There's a Tower records not too far from where I live that has a good deal of black metal records (Bathory and stuff)

They had Ulver's Quick Fix of Melancholy too (which I guess is rare...I don't know)
Pyrus said:
No, dude, they usually have more than one copy. Weakling's an SF band.

Yep I know they are from SF, But didn't the album go out of print many a moon ago? :shrugs:

Pyrus said:
I really need to check out the Hollywood Ameoba now that I'm down in SoCal.

It's a must man... All I need now is to venture to the one in berkeley and I have completed my amoeba world tour.
AllWithinMyMonster said:
Yep I know they are from SF, But didn't the album go out of print many a moon ago? :shrugs:
Dunno, I guess Amoeba stocked up or something.

It's a must man... All I need now is to venture to the one in berkeley and I have completed my amoeba world tour.
The Berkeley one is kinda lame compared to the SF one, at least...really cramped and not well organized. The Rasputin Records there is really good, though, and close to the Amoeba. So as long as you're checking out Amoeba, go there; it's somewhere on the same street.
All at a local second-hand store, all original pressings, no re-releases:

Ildjarn - Ildjarn(limited to 750 copies)
Ildjarn - Det Frysende Nordariket
Exhorder - Slaughter in the Vatican
Exhorder - The Law
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky(First pressing, apparently has bad sound quality) - plus first pressings of the all the other first four releases.
Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times(First pressing)
Atheist - Piece of Time
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse
Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients
Graveland - Creed of Iron(Digipack, 2000 copies)

Not sure how rare some of these are.
Well I'm currently stuck between buying Graveland - Thousand Swords, Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun, or Moonblood - Blut Und Krieg.
I have little money at the current time. Which should I get? They're all at my local record store in the used section!
Snowblind said:
Well I'm currently stuck between buying Graveland - Thousand Swords, Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun, or Moonblood - Blut Und Krieg.
I have little money at the current time. Which should I get? They're all at my local record store in the used section!
Get them all. Now. I'm doubting whether that's an actual copy of Blut Und Krieg, probably a bootleg.
It's the cd bootleg. The owners of the shop must know of the rarity of these items. They're going for about $25 each! I'll probably just buy them from the internet.