Ear protection?


Sinister Haven \m/
Jul 13, 2009
UK, Islington
I'm going to an Obituary concert this week, and its 4 full bands so It should be going on all night, but after seeing Decapitated a few weeks ago, and after leaving early by mistake, I've had a constant faint ringing :(

Its worst when I'm in silence, But when there is noise around me its almost gone, but I was wondering, should I wear ear-plugs at the Obituary concert? I can't have my hearing damaged anymore, I want to be a AE! would any type of them work?
My stepdad bought a few pairs of those foam type ear pugs for when he goes to his nascar races so i snagged a pair...been using them at every show i go to and they work like a charm.aside of people asking me why im coming to a concert with my earplugs, im the only one walking out at night whos not saying "WHAT" every 5 seconds.
My stepdad bought a few pairs of those foam type ear pugs for when he goes to his nascar races so i snagged a pair...been using them at every show i go to and they work like a charm.aside of people asking me why im coming to a concert with my earplugs, im the only one walking out at night whos not saying "WHAT" every 5 seconds.

After the Decapitated concert, I could barely hear :D I had to shout, almost scream to hear anything I said.
Well then I would definitely suggest picking a pair up. Shows are loud enough anyway its not like the earplugs are gonna make it complete silence...your ears will thank you at the end of the show
try getting a set fit out for you from an audiologist if you can afford them

here in australia you can get a set for about $150 custom moulded to your ears, and rather than just block sound out and muffle it, like the industrial worker foam ones, they attenuate volume so you still get good quality sound, just attenuated by like 25 db
Should you wear ear plugs at the Obituary?
Honestly the fact you have to ask is silly.
If you care at all about your hearing you will wear ear plugs at ANY loud situation.
I wear ear plugs at pubs/bars where there is loud music playing through a PA, at EVERY concert I go to, at the cinemas and even while doing the vacuum cleaning while at home.
Frankly I don't care if I look fucking weird wearing ear plugs at the pub. Better to look slightly uncool now, and be able to hear in the future, than to look cool now and face the consequences.
My sister is only a few years older than me and already has fairly significant hearing damage from never wearing ear plugs while playing drums and from going to fuck loads of concerts, and no fucking way do I want to end up like that
i am in a drone band and do not wear plugs
stupid gareth doesnt afraid of anything
Should you wear ear plugs at the Obituary?
Honestly the fact you have to ask is silly.
If you care at all about your hearing you will wear ear plugs at ANY loud situation.
I wear ear plugs at pubs/bars where there is loud music playing through a PA, at EVERY concert I go to, at the cinemas and even while doing the vacuum cleaning while at home.
Frankly I don't care if I look fucking weird wearing ear plugs at the pub. Better to look slightly uncool now, and be able to hear in the future, than to look cool now and face the consequences.
My sister is only a few years older than me and already has fairly significant hearing damage from never wearing ear plugs while playing drums and from going to fuck loads of concerts, and no fucking way do I want to end up like that

I'd say the pub and cinema might be a bit excessive, though I generally try to find places that aren't too loud/ crowded anyway so it helps with that. If I'm out and feel like it's too loud and my ears and throat are getting strained then I'll just go outside with the smokers.

Concerts, rehearsals, work (wherever possible) should always be treated as a high risk to hearing.

I work in an office which is connected to a warehouse. The air con is so loud that some days I wish I could wear earplugs, but we have to hear people on the phone so I can't.

To the OP: wear plugs to every gig if you value your hearing, if you forget them, I've heard of people stuffing toilet paper into their ears to attenuate the volume.
toilet paper is actually just about enough for my ears not to be completely shot from a gig, although it's far from ideal

If you do find you're forgotten your earplugs, get a small (size of about 2 fingers) strip of tissue paper and roll it up between your fingers so it's thick (as opposed to rolling the other way, which would give a long thin rod). Fold this over to double the thickness again, pull the back of your ear up and back and insert the paper fold first. Just make sure you don't put in too little so it gets lost in your ear!
try getting a set fit out for you from an audiologist if you can afford them

here in australia you can get a set for about $150 custom moulded to your ears, and rather than just block sound out and muffle it, like the industrial worker foam ones, they attenuate volume so you still get good quality sound, just attenuated by like 25 db

I have a pair of these, probably the same ones, they are great, but any foam plug will work in a pinch, they are cheap, ones like these are nice too but I found they hurt my ears if I wore them for hours at a time so that's why I got molds
I'd say the pub and cinema might be a bit excessive, though I generally try to find places that aren't too loud/ crowded anyway so it helps with that. If I'm out and feel like it's too loud and my ears and throat are getting strained then I'll just go outside with the smokers.

Concerts, rehearsals, work (wherever possible) should always be treated as a high risk to hearing.

I work in an office which is connected to a warehouse. The air con is so loud that some days I wish I could wear earplugs, but we have to hear people on the phone so I can't.

To the OP: wear plugs to every gig if you value your hearing, if you forget them, I've heard of people stuffing toilet paper into their ears to attenuate the volume.

It's really that a lot of things that don't seem immediately painfully loud are often loud enough to damage hearing anyway. Sure of course one movie isn't going to totally destroy your hearing, but it's all about accumulative damage, and seeing many many movies without hearing protection is guaranteed to cause some degree of damage, so I just don't chance it anymore.
And anyway, it's dark in cinemas, so people don't really notice I'm wearing them, so eh it doesn't bother me.

Sometimes at pubs they'll have crazy karaoke blasting at seemingly about 100 decibels.
Last time I went to a pub in Williamstown last weekend (well weekend before the one that just passed), there was crazy loud karaoke going on.
I went up there and did it, cos I was smashed:lol: but yeah I ended up telling my mates that were with me I wanted to leave after we had been in there for about 20 minutes, because it was just fucking loud as anything in there and had I stayed longer my ears would have been ringing I reckon
try getting a set fit out for you from an audiologist if you can afford them

here in australia you can get a set for about $150 custom moulded to your ears, and rather than just block sound out and muffle it, like the industrial worker foam ones, they attenuate volume so you still get good quality sound, just attenuated by like 25 db


I´ve got a pair of those and they are definitely worth the money.
Usually sounds better with plugs anyway IMHO, none of that "my ears are being destroyed" high end.
Öwen;8944505 said:
Usually sounds better with plugs anyway IMHO, none of that "my ears are being destroyed" high end.

Yeah, thats what I had at the decapitated one, constantly this piercing high end :(
try getting a set fit out for you from an audiologist if you can afford them

here in australia you can get a set for about $150 custom moulded to your ears, and rather than just block sound out and muffle it, like the industrial worker foam ones, they attenuate volume so you still get good quality sound, just attenuated by like 25 db

+1. My Westones are probably the best musical investment I've ever made. I've got the 25db filters in them and they are the tits. I wear them to every show I go to, period. Wearing them onstage is a breeze because everything is clear as day, nothing is muffled at all. Hell I even wear them when cutting the grass sometimes :)

I'm 34 now and started noticing problems during and after shows when I was in my late 20's. Nowadays, not a single issue with those plugs.