Earplugs: Do you wear 'em at concerts?


Jul 1, 2002
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I used to be of the immature mindset that was along the lines of: "Haha, look at that guy, he's wearing earplugs, what a tool!" However, after a few recent, obscenely loud concerts, I picked up a pair and intend on wearing them to all upcoming concerts, including ProgPower. So do you guys wear them?

Also, this is a bit off the topic that I just started, but I didn't think it was worth creating a whole seperate topic. What are the chances of seeing Virgin Steele at an upcoming ProgPower? We won't see Dream Theater because they're too expensive, and we won't see Avantasia because it's too huge...basically I'm wondering if there's any specific reason that would prevent them from being invited. 'Cause I just picked up The House of Atreus Act 2 on the reccomendation of a friend, and it is supremely sweet.
I use earplugs, but I hate the "muffled" generic ones that you simply "squeeze and plug." I invested in some high dollar ones that filter out the damaging frequencies while maintaining the volume/clarity. These are available at your local Guitar Center and run you about $20-$40.

As for Virgin Steele, they will remain on the interest list. However, truth be told, I did attempt contact them a while back. While I did speak with their European booking agent, I never got a direct response back from David. That doesn't bode well for me pushing hard for them when I have other bands eager to play.

In regards to any band at the show, it usually comes down to just a matter of money and providing a quality setting/backline. However, a band has to realize that this is a festival and not an individual show for any "headline" band. Thus, they are treated equal in certain aspects.

Glenn H.
Hey, thanks for the info, Glenn. I'm pretty sure the earplugs I have are the crappy ones you mentioned...perhaps I will have to take a trip to Guitar Center before mid-november.
I most defintely wear earplugs! My last concert without earplugs was a Megadeth show. I literally could not ear out of my right ear for 3 days. Really freaked me out!! I figure that's the best way to insure that I can listen to music for a long time to come.

I will have to check out the earplugs Glenn was talking about. I usually buy the cheap squeez type ear plug.
Earplugs are my friend! When I can remember them, that is... But like Glenn said, the better ones are infinitely better. You'll save your hearing, and you won't lose any sound quality; in fact, it will improve!

Or should I just have quoted Gene and told you if it's too loud, you're too old? ;)

Hey all... I would get a pair of earplugs for sure. I saw Metallica on the Black Album tour on Long Island and my ears were ringing for the next two days! Well after that, I have worn earplugs to every single show since. As for the sound quality with the earplugs, it depends on how the band live sound is mixed. As an example, I saw Dream Theater a few months ago in NYC and even with the earplugs, there sound was amazingly clear.
Why does the concert have to be so loud that we can not clearly hear the instruments and vocals?

Why do we have to suffer ringing for days/sometimes hearing loss in the long run, or have to buy ear plugs?

Especially, we, the fans of this complex, majestic, suprierior music, have the opportunitiy to see incredible musicians:
Why here in the Progpower?

yeah I've kind of been wondering that...not just at ProgPower, but for concerts in general. What is the advantage of turning it up so loud that the audience has to put plugs in their ears, or sit there and jam their thumbs in their ears (as I did at the Dream Theater concert the other day), in order to hear the music as it is played?
Why does the concert have to be so loud that we can not clearly hear the instruments and vocals?

I had no complaints about the quality of the sound last year. In fact, I received tons of praise on it. Yes, it remains loud..but it also remains crisp.

Glenn H
Originally posted by Harvester
As for Virgin Steele, they will remain on the interest list. However, truth be told, I did attempt contact them a while back. While I did speak with their European booking agent, I never got a direct response back from David. That doesn't bode well for me pushing hard for them when I have other bands eager to play.

after last year, I found their purported email address on their website and offered them (or whoever reads that email) my opinion on how cool it would be to have VS at a ProgPower show in the future. They replied with a sort of prepackaged response about how they would look into it. I'm not suggesting spamming them (which is why i didn't plaster the email address up here), but perhaps if the were made aware that there is significant fan interest for them being here they would be more eager to come next time. just a thought, not sure it would actually work. (Defeis may have completely disowned the US at this point, who knows. he certainly appears to immensely prefer Europe)

I would agree with Glenn, the sound at last years show was really good, even with earplugs!! Of course Glenn cares about the bands and their sound, so that helps. There should be more clubowners and/or venues that care about there sound quality. I am really looking forward to this years show.
Originally posted by Se7enChurches
(Defeis may have completely disowned the US at this point, who knows. he certainly appears to immensely prefer Europe)

Really? We're seeing Virgin Steele in New York on 9/21.

It does seem like a one-off US concert though but they have a big supporting line up (Gothic Knights, Majestic Symphony, Magus Beast, Bloodgore, Red October and few others).

It might be worth the trip?
Originally posted by JayKeeley
Really? We're seeing Virgin Steele in New York on 9/21.

It does seem like a one-off US concert though but they have a big supporting line up (Gothic Knights, Majestic Symphony, Magus Beast, Bloodgore, Red October and few others).

It might be worth the trip?

if i could guarantee i had tickets, yes. how does one get them now that Ticketbastard seems to no longer have them for sale? (according to them, the show isn't sold out, they just don't have tickets)

After suffering hearing damage thanks to lack of earplugs for many years, I definitely use them now..gotta preserve what hearing I have left. I'd highly recommend them to everyone, because trust me, having screwed up hearing really sucks, and you can't fix it when it's gone.
Originally posted by Se7enChurches
if i could guarantee i had tickets, yes. how does one get them now that Ticketbastard seems to no longer have them for sale? (according to them, the show isn't sold out, they just don't have tickets)


They'll be on sale at the door. All you have to do is show up and they'll roll out the red carpet, heh.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
After suffering hearing damage thanks to lack of earplugs for many years, I definitely use them now..gotta preserve what hearing I have left. I'd highly recommend them to everyone, because trust me, having screwed up hearing really sucks, and you can't fix it when it's gone.

I hear ya. (pardon the pun).

After Kreator last Friday night, I'm moving to the "fan with earplugs" category. I was deaf for three days after hearing some of the worlds best thrash.

Ahh the deafening experience was well worth it though. Kreator rules. :headbang: