professional filtered earplugs


Green Tea Member
Dec 9, 2009
Hey guys

For rehearsals, or rock concerts the normal earplugs doesn't work good if you want to enjoy the music. I've been searching the internet and found some earplugs that attenuate in a very flat response all the audible spectrum. I want to take care of my ears and enjoy the music at the same time.
have anyone of you guys used this kind of earplugs? any suggestion for brand or type?

I found these ones.

thanks for your support!
I have been using these type plugs for nearly ten years (even lost one which was an expensive drunken mistake) and I've always had the -15db ones. Still just enough level to get a feel whilst playing live but without the ringing in your ears afterwards. I wear them at gigs and also if I'm doing front of house I pop them in to save my ears and just take them out if I wanna have a fiddle or do some fancy delay etc etc.
£150 minus the new one but worth it. The mold they take feels a bit weird though!
I have these ones
When I got mine (they were the westones) they came with one set of filters and the other two were extra.


you get one set and then one set of "industrial" which are like ultra dB reduction but do not attenuate all frequencies equally

I got the 25dB ones
When I first got mine I was recommended the 15 filters by a drummer who reckoned the 25s were a bit too much and took away the level too much it was too quiet when playing and the 9s weren't enough of a difference.
Those ones with the filters sticking out of ok but if you are wearing them all day as I do they make my ears really sore.
I use those

Cotral Ultra Mini

Probably the best thing I ever spent ~200€ for.