Earth - Hex: Or Printing in the Infernal Method

Demilich said:
Still Life was the one I absoltely LOVED LOVED LOVED for a long time!
same here. that was THE opeth album for a few years, now after the moor and godhead's lament i switch to something else.

hahaha that album reminds me of this one huge fight i got into with my girlfriend at the time, i sat on the couch blasting still life all the way through and she started trying to talk to me right at the end of white cluster and i told her to shut the fuck up because she was ruining a concept album. :loco:
like..lolz, nad's an opeth fanboy :P

Godhead's Lament, Moonlapse Vertigo and Serenity Painted Death totally OWN that album. EVEN NUMBERED TRACKS OMG IT'S A CODE /{WTF2rui29uTOOLGh2./SPASM]/.

edit: i remember the time i realized that maybe opeth wasn't the be-all-and-end-all of music. i was stoned, tried to listen to Still Life figuring it'd be awesome but it was soooo boring.
that's become such a lame and oft-brought-up joke on the Opeth board.

hmm, listening to the new one now, i'm starting to like it. Ghost of Perdition = teh good song. there was just a nice heavy double bass part and it made me bang my head involuntarily
SUNN O))) FUCKING RULES. Like Derick says, it's about subtleties. If you have an ear for it you can detect more than just low drones throughout the music, although I find the drone just as appealing. Also, Sunn O))) is "physical" music as they call it, it requires a different method of listening. Having eardrums that could withstand the crushing of the sound-barrier from a foot away also helps. Also, I'm a druggie, for me Sunn O))) is just an auditory method of metaphysical transportation. As far as this new Earth album, I gotta hear this shit.

Time to whore my shit again: - If SunnO))) had offspring with Velvet Cacoon.
I personally don't find much in the way of subtlety in Sunn's music...and yes, I do think it qualifies as music and not pure noise disguised and/or marketed as bold experimentation...that may be true of the earliest material, but I can still hear clearly structured patterns and developments in something like Decay2. I don't think it's something anyone with access to the proper technology could sit down and produce thirty minutes later.

As for Opeth, I find the wandering on the first two albums to be a big part of their appeal, and like how the new album sort of revisits the idea of constantly introducing new themes while retatining the conciseness of the later ones...and Mikael also raps on Harlequin Forest! :)
lol, death metal rap :kickass:

I like the things on Ghost Reveries that sound new to Opeth, just vocal phrasings that he wouldn't have used before. Like that " have to live before you die young" or whatever.
THIS ALBUM FUCKING RULES. Apocalyptic post-rockabilly? PFFT, FUCK YEAH. :kickass: I just need a desert, an old camaro, a nuclear explosive, and some pot.

Although this doesn't really seem up your alley, IotS. Aren't you supposed to be making fun of this? :confused:
I didn't know this had been extensively discussed. Yeah, great dreamy yet dusty sonicscapes. Sometimes I found their live performance didn't quite pay justice to the recording. Well, it's something different altogether.
NADatar said:
because they are AWESOME. :rock:

i've said it before, at first i thought they would be a novelty act for me, but i've been listening to all their albums for several years now and the shit just keeps getting better. :kickass:

i generally just get one album from each group i like these days, it takes a particularly special/awesome/magic group like sunn O))) for me to hunt down a second album, let alone an entire discography. :weneedathirdheadbangsmiley:

Posts like this are why NAD is my fiance. I feel the same way: I bought white1 when it came out and said "Yeah, I'll listen to this once a year when I'm feeling weird" but somehow I just keep wanting to return to them. I now own 4 of their albums. Love it.

Doomcifer, when you say something like "this is obviously not music," it disappoints me because I know you are much more open-minded than that.
I dunno, I haven't really seen you like anything this far left-field before (other than prog/krautrock of course).